By Nancy Baer
Sedona Smart Meter Awareness
Sedona AZ (August 3, 2014) – Sedona Smart Meter Awareness (SSMA), the local residents’ group who have been informing the Sedona community about the effects of recently installed smart meters on health, privacy and safety, has received survey responses from one mayoral and seven city council candidates.
In choosing the candidates who will best SERVE and REPRESENT our interests, it is important to look for the candidate whose mind is open and not made up, as well as those who are creatively solution oriented.
We can always inform and educate someone on the latest developments and scientific studies on the subject of microwave radiation and wireless technology if they are not familiar with them.
It’s easy for candidate to claim that nothing more can be done. But in reality, the “solution(s)” has/have not been brought forth yet and there are plenty of alternatives and/or even new technologies not yet explored.
For those who think they know it all and are not open to other points of view beside their own, are not the candidates who will make good leaders for our community.
For those who acknowledge not knowing everything but open to taking the “Precautionary Principle” and agree to “first do no harm,” they will learn as more new information is published each day.
Clearly, from the responses we received more information needs to be shared with these candidates.
We received no response from one mayoral and three council candidates and one council candidate wrote that he thought the matter was taken care of and requires no further input.
The survey questions and respondents answers may be found at: