Sedona AZ (July 11, 2014) – During the week of July 7, Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) made modifications to the traffic signal and lanes at the State Route 89A and Rodeo Road intersection.
These changes result in a new configuration of the southbound lanes on Rodeo Road. Specifically, the southbound Rodeo Road portion of the intersection now has two left turn lanes. This new configuration is expected to relieve a majority of the vehicle stacking issues experienced in the past at this location.
For questions related to traffic or maintenance of streets in the City of Sedona, please contact Engineering Services at 204-7111.
1 Comment
Don’t anybody get too excited if they think the City or ADOT actually cared about the “stacking” issue! The new turn lane and traffic signal was an attempt to mollify the residents who live behind Sedona Rouge who are getting their access to 89A removed and rerouted behind the Rouge onto Rodeo via a new road to be built, “Contractor’s Way”. There will also be an addition of 32 guest rooms built in a new structure behind the Rouge. So before you applaud, realize there will be construction crews blocking lanes then added traffic taking up those lanes in the near future. Also realize that in the years to come, the new road being built for the residents to access Rodeo will go all the way through to Coffee Pot, so even more traffic. There have been 19 accidents at the corner of Rodeo/Shelby and 89A in the last 2 years, how many more will the increased traffic bring? A left hand turn lane might not be such a great thing, after all…but enjoy it in the meantime!