Verde Valley AZ (December 6, 2017) – During the month of December, law enforcement agencies in the Verde Valley will team up in an effort to identify impaired drivers and remove them from the road before they are able to hurt themselves or other innocent motorists. These operations will occur primarily on Fridays and Saturdays through the month of December and will include New Year’s Eve on Sunday, December 31st.
All highways in the Verde Valley will be patrolled for signs of impaired driving and violators will be charged to the fullest extent of the law. Please remember to be responsible and use a designated sober driver if traveling after consuming alcoholic beverages.
Funding for these special patrol efforts comes from a grant provided by the Governor’s Office of Highway Safety for the 2018 grant cycle. As noted in a previous release: ‘The Sheriff’s Office was pleased to receive $30,000 from GOHS for these efforts. Deputies will conduct high intensity DUI Enforcement Operations during holiday weekends and special community events. An additional $2,255 was provided to purchase 5 portable breath testing devices. These machines allow deputies to obtain a breath test reading in the field as part of overall DUI sobriety testing.’
The Sheriff’s Office appreciates your cooperation in keeping our roads safe for everyone.