By Tommy Acosta
(September 30, 2020)

The debate last night was like watching a blindfolded, club-footed, one-legged high-wire performer walk the tightrope, waiting for him to any second slip and fall to his demise.
Biden was the acrobat. He did not.
Biden was supposed to slip and stumble. But he didn’t.
Biden was supposed to forget where he was and turn into a mumbling dementia victim on national TV. But he did not.
Trump was supposed to crush him like a bulldozer running over a tin can. It didn’t happen.
In 90 minutes of back-and-forth blistering debate Biden was supposed to turn into a squishy puddle of elderly ineptitude but instead, he went toe-to-toe with one of the most powerful street-fighting debaters ever and survived.
Trump supporters watching the debate had to shake their heads in utter disbelief that this man we had all been told was teetering on the brink of “Dementia Ville” actually gave their hero one heck of a fight.
Biden skeptics who had all but written off his candidacy as a sham had their doubts suddenly diminished.
The old guy kept his balance, took everything Trump could throw at him and slugged it out without flinching, backing up or crumbling.
That was not the way it was supposed to happen. For months we’ve been shown of images of Biden struggling to remember his own name.
The debate was to be a slaughter, a public execution, an unmasking of Biden’s dementia for all to see.
Instead, it showed that Trump could not take this old man out no matter how hard he tried or how viciously he attacked.
This debate was a game changer. Those on the fence who had lost faith in Trump for whatever reason and who could not bring themselves to vote for Biden because of his perceived mental deterioration, saw that perhaps they can vote for the former vice-president after all.
He stood and fought, remained mostly articulate, showed no fear of Trump and actually insulted the president to his face, calling him a “clown” more than once.
Instead of weakness, confusion and doddering, Biden showed courage, strength and a willingness to engage a powerful adversary, fighting him to what many will say was a bloody draw.
Trump was stumped. He simply was not strong or vicious enough to down the renewed Biden.
This gave hope to the Democrat’s supporters and disappointed the Republicans who gleefully awaited Biden’s public evisceration.
All Biden really had to do to remain viable was to stay in the game, survive and not make a total fool of himself in front of the world. At least that would have left the Democrats with some shred of dignity.
Instead, he traded body blows and head shots with the heavyweight debating champ and took him on, no-holds-barred.
All we need to see now are the results in the polls. If they have not changed since prior to the debate, then Trump better bring a baseball bat to the next one because he’s going to need it.
“Smokin’ Joe Biden” tasted blood. He likes it and he’s ready to rumble.
Well said.
To me it was a case of a decent man staring down a schoolyard bully, who was trying to drag him down into the gutter with him.
How innocent can one be to actually believe Biden can be anything more than a puppet? Decent? Truly, you are a political babe in the woods.
Tommy, do you think we now have a decent setting or atmosphere for a good exchange between Biden and Trump which is meaningful for the voter?
It’ll be interesting to listen to Chris Wallace this Sunday to hear if the next debates will have any chance for a different set of rules which can actually function to keep ” big mouthy ” in check.
I agree with Saudi that your editorial was well written so thanks.
Hi John:
The only way to prevent what happened in the last debate from happening in the next is to separate the podiums by another ten feet and give Wallace, if he’s sill the moderator, a microphone kill switch he can use to mute the mic of the offending party.
Pretty simple, really.
Illusions speak louder than words and what truly mattered was the impression people walked away with rather than anything the candidates actually said. The expectation was for Biden to fall hard and he did not. That in itself was enough to dispel the illusion of Biden.’s meal deterioration and weakness. The aggressive anger Biden displayed was the icing on the cake.
Here is an observation from my Bronx friend Sean Dedalus, an old band mate of mine and fellow political influencer, who asked me to put this up for him as a comment. We don’t see it the same way but his take is quite lucid.
Trump looked tired and exhausted from being president and campaigning. He was rude, spoke in incomplete sentences and was the disruptor. Biden also was very rude. He had a look in his eye …. that distinct deep black look in the pupil, a look that comes before you pass away from old age. That look said President Harris.
Yep it was coarse. The Trump fans love chaos and the Biden fans hated Trump even more. Who won? Well after the egg heads torture us with the mediocre “the country loss” …. let me summarize why Trump won.
Trump screamed he will get more African American support than any modern Republican president . He chided Biden for Biden’s chameleon support for the Black Community during his half century in office and Biden let this go with no effective response, perhaps because Trump hit him with 20 barbaric cave man assaults and family attacks.
Biden divorced himself from the AOC and Bernie Bro’s who demand real protection for our environment, Biden being squeezed by Trump to blurt out fxck the left “I am the Democrat Party.”
And then a lot of people are scratching their heads about Trump screaming about Hunter Biden, Joe’s cocaine snorting son. What’s this about a multi million dollar kick back from the Mayor of Moscow’s wife? Huh? Was he kicked out of the Navy for snorting coke? Did he get millions from the Chinese? Hmmmm. Oh these are just more Trump lies! Hmmmm. What’s going on here? Or are they?
And then there was the Trump one liner “I have done more in 47 months than you have done on 47 years”.
And then, Biden left unanswered the charge that America’s big cities are burning, abandoned by Democrats. Biden’s response that Trump fueled the urban violence was … lame … at least for citizens of New York, Chicago, Baltimore, LA, and little placed like Portland and Seattle.
Yep. The debate is reflective of American politics. A headache of intolerance, violence and hate.
All I heard Biden say is Trump is a liar, a racist and Trump has no clue about public policy. Duh? But Biden offered no ideas or vision of tomorrow. He never spoke about his record or the good things he has done in the last half century. Biden failed to elevate the conversation with his polished campaign spin because Trump controlled the debate. Chaos reigned as Trump turned over the monopoly board game. It’s a interesting. Trump had a lot of accomplishments to talk about like the defeat of Isis and radical terrorist drone strikes. He had the economy rocking and has been nominated for Nobel peace agreements in the Middle East. And there’s much more. No, instead Trump cried the election was fixed. He cried that the Democrats, Antifa and the Media were going to stuff the ballot boxes with fraudulent ballots .
Yep, Trump made himself the victim. No debates with the box stuffers. No debates with the Socialists.
Trump got six sound bites out of the debate and Joe got a few sound bites telling Trump to shut up and calling Trump a clown.
Is he right? Has Trump increased his support in the minority community? If he has, the Democrats are finished. The extreme left has nowhere to go but Biden, but certainly his statements make it clear that he represents his corporate donors over the AOC and Bernie Bros.
Trump claimed victory in the minority community. Planting his flag in increasing minority support just a digit or two. Trump also made clear that Biden’s success can fall apart if the extreme left boycotts Biden as merely a polished Trump or/ and if African Americans abandon Pelosi and Schumer and stay home or support Trump. As far as fraud goes, I wouldn’t worry about the Democrats stuffing the mail in votes because no one can stuff a turkey like the Republicans!
Debate Number One to Donald J. Trump.
Both you and Mr. Dedalus present arguments about how each candidate fared in the debate without either of you acknowledging that the American people lost.
Doesn’t it bother your there was a complete lack of serious back and forth discussion of the critical issues we are currently facing? It speaks volumes about the political bias of the lenses you wear that your entire post contains not one reference to an actual issue your candidate won on, only how he fared in the slugfest (at least Dedalus made the attempt).
The debate was a national embarrassment.
I thought it was great. Sorry. I truly enjoyed that debate.The issues were buried in the emotions but what was displayed was way more important in that the souls of both candidates were revealed for what they are.
Sometimes nouns and verbs are “trumped” by visuals and audio, facial expression, tone and volume of voice. Both candidates attempted to spout the same old tired rhetoric we have heard repeated on Fox and CNN ad-nauseam over the last year.
There was nothing new either of them could have said that we have not heard before. What was novel was that Biden proved he is not the wimp we all thought he was and Trump was not as invincible as many imagined.
The only winners were those who profit in this world from death, ignorance, disease and hate.
Like Mr. Smith.
I am not a reader of “souls” and I vote a candidate’s policies. That said, for sure neither candidate came across as “good souls” to me if that’s your criteria. I just don’t see extreme vitriol as a positive in our politics as you seem to infer, especially when the country is already so divided..
Agreed that we hear the same tired rhetorical stuff repeated on FOX, CNN, MSNBC, etc., but I want to hear the candidates themselves debate the issues and hear their responses to each others answers. In addition to the candidates focus on being the loudest or rudest (for sure Biden showed he was “there” and not a wimp which was surprising), there’s also no doubt the debate format itself didn’t lend itself to any such adult discussion. Hopefully next time…
I am not a reader of “souls” and I vote a candidate’s policies. That said, for sure neither candidate came across as “good souls” to me if that’s your criteria. I just don’t see extreme vitriol as a positive in our politics as you seem to infer, especially when the country is already so divided..
Agreed that we hear the same tired rhetorical stuff repeated on FOX, CNN, MSNBC, etc., but I want to hear the candidates themselves debate the issues and hear their responses to each others answers. In addition to the candidates focus on being the loudest or rudest (for sure Biden showed he was “there” and not a wimp which was surprising), there’s also no doubt the debate format itself didn’t lend itself to any such adult discussion. Hopefully next time…
Quote: ” … … … present arguments about how each candidate fared in the debate without either of you acknowledging that the American people lost.”
No worries, The American people will win when President Trump is re-elected next month.
I agree his reelection would be a win for the country. His accomplishments to date are huge and would sway some undecided independents which is why I wanted to see a real debate where he hammered home his record and contrasted it against Biden’s 47 years of swamp life.
The first debate was not what one might have expected.
However – Mike Pence did well. Better than I expected.
Apparently, there will be no second Presidential debate as the Dems want a video thingo and President Trump won;t do that. This may of may not change. Not that it matters – he’ll have a few rallies instead.
LATEST: During an interview on Thursday with Mark Levin, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy announced that he and a group of House representatives were crafting a way forward to determine if Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi is mentally fit for office.
The announcement by McCarthy came after the Speaker announced that she was gathering a commission to determine if President Trump is physically and mentally capable of being president.
Tommy, back to controlling the interrupting here’s are rock solid method. Have the house electric current, modulated not to kill, hooked up to a switch which Wallace would operate and debator body connected ( my preference being to Trump only )to use as a stopper of interrupting by opening the circuit. The facial expressions would generate considerable laughing by us voters.
ps; I release all patent rights.
Dear Mr. Acosta, Dedalus and Roberts, the degree of your political, real-wold. ignorance is astounding. Do you really believe that what you watched transpire in the debate was anything more than theatre and sham engineered by those of us who pull all the strings in this world? Yes, you are all cute little puppies bumbling in the dark for mommy’s milk but a dose of actuality is what this world now needs if it’s ever to shirk the yoke we keep round your necks. Generally, I like to stay behind the scenes making money from your wars, diseases and ignorance. But sometimes the depths of idiocy people like you three sink to just get’s me.
One would think by now Tommy that you would stop writing the drivel you spew and truly reveal what you know is the truth. You are pulling your punches and I want a real fight already. I feel like Captain Hook in Peter Pan pining for a worthy adversary.
The poor will always be poor. The stupid will never learn. The naive will never gain true awareness and the sheep will always bleat to the tune we orchestrate.
Maybe I’m getting soft in my old age and I’m actually beginning to feel sorry for you sub-humans. Pull your pens out of your nether parts and start writing something humanity can learn from. Get your heads out from under my boot and find the man behind the curtain.
That especially goes for you John. Fossilization does not suit you.
I think the author, Sean Dedaluus and John Roberts are three of the most naive people ever.The depths of that innocence cannot be plumbed. Do they really think the sham passed off as a debate has anything to do with actuality? Can they not see the man behind the curtain pulling their strings?
Can they not see us profiting from the death and degradation of the human species since the beginning of conscious time? Or the yoke around their necks we prosper from?
I’ve been patient behind the scene watching and waiting for someone to finally pull the woof from the eyes of those we manipulate but still they fail.
Wake up boys. Pull your pens out and make a difference.
Welcome Smittie so nice to be told that you run the world. Please do continue so the rest of us can obey your every command without faltering from the tracks you set.
How do you say seige heil in English so as to talk to this smith twerp and have him understand.
All kinds of folks live in our community don’t they.
a most faithful servant
Holy sour owl manure !!!
Welcome Smith it is so reassuring to have you in command so we peasants stay on the tracks you provide us.
All kinds of folks living in our little community.
Holy sour owl manure !!!!!
John Roberts
reply please
Thanks for the welcome and your pledge to obey. I’m not sure what holy sour owl manure is? Is it something peasants eat?
Oh! He slithers out from under the rock of his ego. We’ve come a long way since our days at Hunter College in N.Y.C. and here you are still blabbering away about how you and your ilk rule the world and profit from it’s misery.
Well, I got news for you pal. This world you fleece is falling apart. And you my nemesis live on it, or will soon live in it in one of your underground cities while we fry or drown on top.
All your king’s horses and all your king’s men will not be able to put your world together again. You will go down with the rest of us and it’s only a matter of time for you and your peers to taste the grip of gravity.
And your pitiful attempts to find a way to live on the Moon or Mars when this world you are destroying goes boom, are destined for failure and you know it.
We are waking up Mr. Smith. We are on to you. We see you behind the curtain. your slip is showing. You don’t think we know how you give us our arguments that manipulate us to fight with each other and remain divided while you loot the earth? You don’t think we know the illusion of a two party system, democracy, socialism, communism and ‘ism ‘isms are fabrications on your part to give us the false illusion we control our government and fate. You are going to lose Mr. Smith. The Reckoning is upon us! And Sedona is where it ends.
Welcome Mr. Smith. Glad you are of such outstanding intellect as you claim,
In Sean Dedaius’s post there is considerable content from statements the debators made which is what this Sedona,biz media prefers to receive. That the outside media world is in an uproar about the value the debate provided voters is well beyond a given. Was it of any benefit is central to this question therefor the remarks in evaluation of the debate is just as important to the issue as what was said.
So then Mr. Smith what are the substantive thoughts you have about what was said in the debate. We know what you think about our political sophistication so no need to repeat it.
Can you offer something thoughtful about either the debate statements or the process or conduct of the broadcast.
It has to be pointed out:
Moderator Wally interrupted President Trump well over thirty times.
Moderator Wally interrupted Biden zero times.
President Trump, having the sponsorship of the majority of the nation’s Police and Military asked Biden which of these supported Biden and Biden refused to answer. (A = none). It was a legitimate question and Biden should have been asked by the moderator to answer it.
This was not an unbiased moderator, that much is obvious.
Fighting a two against one battle, one might suppose the President did quite well and I reckon he won on points.
By the way, seems Biden was wearng a wire, no wonder he was not his usually lack-lustre bumbling self. The wire seemed to be more efficient than his teleprompter, but then he’s had three solid weeks of practice – instead of campaigning.
President Trump requested that both of ’em underwent a drug test and a test for any electrical gadgets in ears – Biden refused. That should tell folks something. Why refuse, if he has nothing to hide?
Intbel: You are being played. Now Trump has Covid. The puppet master pulls his strings and you dance to the tune of the blind piper. In the end, we make the money no matter who we put in place and we will always rule.
Of course President Trump caught the bug
He had to, to prove that a cure – other than a vaccine – exists.
Leaders lead …
Trump is the antichrist. I hope he doesn’t die but I hope he has a long, suffering, extended COVID experience.
Tommy Acosta is a joke. Just like his buddy Sanford Bach.
Love and Peace.
Man, to sign off “Love and Peace” after wishing suffering on another is in a class of classlessness all of its own.
Well well well. If it ain’t the tree hugging liberal himself. Welcome to the fray. Why would a liberal who loves life, peace and Love, wish harm on anyone?
Because if Trump dies it saves lives. Are you all idiots or just a select few of you?
An election is still on at least that’s the last I read/hear.
The candidate debating is one third done and our two postings about 9/29 from Sean and Tommy have created trash talking for our consideration or to ignore. Mine included but it’s design was to bait the opposition. It has provided the information I sought. Both Sean and Tommy offered excellent well arranged posts so they deserve our thanks.
By all means let’s continue open media spaces for all opinions of substance. Trash will continue no matter the requests or rules.
Trump’s illness may sidetrack us but it cannot alter the Constitution. Two more debates to inform the voting public still can be useful. My vote is locked into place to be counted.
Has yours ?
Thanks for the brilliant and concise post-mortem commentary on the commentary you butt-kissing blowhard.
Good to see your vote is locked in for Trump at least!
The hints are more frequently being heard on TV that the 25th Amendment is not far off.
That joy ride today was as looney as it gets. Plus combine the declining health of Trump would be enough to stimulate action for the 25th.
How’s that you happy idiots now crowding this media space ?
Well if it’s on TV it must be true. Keep watching CNN (Conspiracy News Network) or any one of the other MSM channels in November so you can cry along with all the left-wing “news” anchors and analysts when Trump rolls to a landslide victory. Remember that world is ending (you guys all believe that 24/7 so it might be hard) feeling you had in 2016?
Re the 25th: During an interview on Thursday with Mark Levin, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy announced that he and a group of House representatives were crafting a way forward to determine if Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi is mentally fit for office.
The announcement by McCarthy came after the Speaker announced that she was gathering a commission to determine if President Trump is physically and mentally capable of being president.
If Jason even knew what I wrote we could debate. He’s just out of it so why try.
Your fantasy was understood, just mocked like the rest of your bizarre posts.
Re the 25th, you’re so out there and off the mark, I’ll give you a thousand to one odds it never happens!! There’s a much better chance of you making the news again like in 2013.
An unremarkable dialogue between two utterly clueless believers. Sheesh. Break out the tin-foil hats.
Right Captain Hook, it’s the man behind the curtain Curtain according to your looney diatribe and you alone can so clearly see this while pitying us blind fools.
You’re just another old 60’s LSD addled hippy joke.
Spoken like a true peasant; a clueless sheep happily led on its way to slaughter, casting aspersions at what you can’t possibly comprehend. Bleat on innocent believer while you are sheared by those of us who profit from your ignorance and toil.
I know, only you who has been behind the curtain and knows the great Oz personally can comprehend what mere mortals cannot.
Dude, you need to get back on your meds.
The Debate sponsors should have honored Trumps’ request for a stage inspection by his campaign and visa versa. Lots of photo video evidence that Biden was wearing a wire. Also he was wearing some sort of contacts. This isn’t conspiracy talk.
Have any of you ever seen a person with dementia recover over night from this condition? I have not. Lots of people would like to have the miracle meds he’s taking. I found this so shocking I hardly listened to the debate. I would like to know who was on stage, it sure wasn’t the brain of Biden!
I normally do not read or get involved in such discussions here. The tone of this one truly makes me shake my head!!! This will be my only comment – I will not be drawn into any back and forth… simply making a few points that stood out for me as calm observer.
I agree about Biden’s eyes – Biden’s eyes are usually a light blue. On debate night – they were indeed black – Why?
I only know of two instances when the eyes appear so black. One is the possibility of a highly advanced, perhaps artificial intelligence type of contact lens that relay a screen with lots of info (and sound is/can be included as well) …
The other time when eyes appear so black is when the person is “possessed” … by a very dark one (as in demon). Unfortunately I have witnessed this in my lifetime work and although it can seem like a far out thought to some – it is not to those who have witnesed it.
I would say – there was info being fed to Biden through his technologically advanced contact lenses o debate night.
And – I would also say there is evidence of President Trump’s claim about the $3.4 Million that Biden’s son received from a wealthy Russian – along with other allegations – and this is indeed an issue that ought to be of concern ….. and looked into rather than laughing about Biden calling the President of the United States a clown and telling him to shut-up. How disrespectful – no matter what the differences.
Another point – Biden was the first to interupt Trump – 3 times. The moderator ran interference multiple times (if not the whole time) for Biden apparently to give him time to cool down or to get his info from his contact lens …
All the rest of the gibberish in the posts above is of little consequence to me – and hurray to whoever’s job it was to distract and get heated emotions going into “name-calling” —- How easy to spot!!!
Again —- look for the real issues within and beyond that which appears to be so on the surface. There were many points made … and they seem to be missed by many in the hurry to want candidates to “tell us what we want to hear”… so we can feel good about voting for them.
Look to the actions (for or against the people then and now) – track what they say to what they do now /did in the past — and most of all — find your own truth meter.
Respectfully submitted as my observations – for your consideration.
Thank you Suzanne …
It is certain Biden was wearing a wire.
Also he was on some sort of intravenous drip.
Remember he wanted half-hour breaks? Not allowed, so instead of half-hour injections has a controlled drip-feed.
Now he wants a video link for next debate. President Trump has refused – so no debate, it seems.
That’s okay, they can compete with rallies.
this man (I don’t even say his name anymore) is not right for president
everything is his way or “you’re fired)
his people tell him one thing and he says (even with their expertise) they are wrong
if the election is rigged it is on him
-TX one ballot box per county
-postmaster removing sorting machines
-casting ballot doubt w/o proof
-oh yes, he is a liar
last week he put his $50K and $250 K donors in risk by showing up w/the virus
Welcome M. Johnson, your post is a good change and factual.
This morning the news is also welcome with Trump’s polling numbers diving , Facebook declaring him inaccurate ( again !!!), he, unfortunately, is still sick with the virus, he refuses to listen to his advisors etc.etc. and the debate will have a new format plus more are talking the 25th Amendment as the unemployment numbers grow.
john reply
Not sure if you watched the same debate as I did. Ahahahaha! The one I watched was mostly Trump debating Mike Wallace, who did a shameful job as a left-leaning moderator. He came to Biden’s rescue at every turn, interrupted Trump 73 times and then ran the clock out so Trump was unable to answer the question.
Admittedly, I am NOT a supporter of Biden, who I think is too old and too creepy to be POTUS. His fondling of children makes me queasy and Harris is not fit to be in any kind of public office even tho we all know she’s BF’s with Hillary.
The turning point where Trump clearly won the debate was when Wallace asked if Trump were willing to condemn white supremist groups and to say they need to stand down and not add to the violence in cities like Kenosha and Portland. Ahahahaha! What a crock of bull puckies. We know where the violence is coming from – and Trump has offered to send in the National Guard and federal troops, but the governors/mayors always respond “that’s OK, we have it under control while they march with those doing the burning, looting and acts of terror in the streets. Unreal. But this is the way MSM works to shift the focus away from the Democratic’s allegence to ANTIFA and the BLM – the terrorist groups who are causing violence in the streets which the Republicans HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH. It is NOT a bilateral problem – Trump and others have offered to help. Ahahaha! Oh my. Trump maintained his presidential composure and said, “Sure, I’m willing to do that – does this not count?” He just said “everything I see is from the left, NOT the right.” This is true. Then Wallace and Biden teamed up on Trump because they were not happy with Trump’s answer. Wallace: “Then do it! Say it say it say it.” Ahahaha!~ Trump already said it – he said he condemned it. “What – do you want me to call them? Give me a name – what would you like me to condemn?” United, both Wallace and Biden said “White supremists, the proud boys. I noticed that they didn’t mention any names. I also noticed that Wallace never put old sleepy Joe on the spot. (By this point, Biden was having a hard time keeping his eyes open). Trump said, “Proud boys, stand back and stand by.” So Trump did tell them to stand down, but did Biden tell ANTIFA or BLM to stand down? Not that I can recall.
Biden got a pass. Harris said that this violence was going to go on after the election but Wallace framed the questions to make Trump look like he was responsible for the violence. Most who were paying attention saw right thru this.
Stanton Friedman always said “You demonstrated the primary rules such as selective choice of data, false reasoning, positive and negative name calling. If you resort to name calling during a debate, you automatically lose the debate. When data can not be refuted, attack the person, it’s much easier.” I thought about this as I heard Biden call Trump a “clown” numerous times because Biden could not refute the truth Trump was speaking about.
I thought Trump did pretty well. The fact that Trump got Biden to deny his support of the Green New deal when he clearly states on his website that he does support it….genius! Best line of the debate is Trump telling Biden “you just lost the Left.” Trump should have really let him have it and was clearly holding back. I await the next debate, should there be one, where Trump can finish mopping up. Still to come: Hunter Biden, Hillary’s Russian collusion, abortion, violence, and a mod who doesn’t interrupt.
And next time, let’s have that drug test, check for wires on the candidates, check eyes and ears for electronic devices and a different moderator. Oh right – there will be NO next time. Trump will not agree to do a debate where Biden can have all his cronies feed him the answers behind the camera.