By Dr. Marta Adelsman
Life Coach in Communication and Consciousness
(May 24, 2013)
Once upon a time there was a teenage guy named Martin. He didn’t feel like he belonged in his world. Things occurred there that he didn’t know how to deal with; scary things like war and deadly hurricanes and planes flying into towers in his own land.
The adults in Martin’s life were so busy making a living that they didn’t have much time to spend with Martin. He felt like he wasn’t very important to them, so he felt sad and angry much of the time.
He also felt helpless to change the scary and undesirable things going on in his world.
One day, someone jumped out from inside Martin and stood before him! Since this sort of thing didn’t happen very often, Martin felt shock and awe! This whoever-it-was looked very bright and seemed very confident.
“Who are you?” Martin asked.
“I am your Authentic Self,” the bright person replied. “You haven’t paid much attention to me living inside you, so I thought I would come out and introduce myself.”
“You live inside me?” Martin asked, staring unbelievingly.
“Yes,” said the bright being. “And I’m letting you know that you are important – that you count. Even though you don’t necessarily believe it yet, you have something to offer. I’m here to help you discover and live your life purpose.”
“I didn’t know I had a life purpose!” Martin had to sit down, he was so unnerved by what was happening.
“Oh, you do!” replied Martin’s Authentic Self. “To understand it, you just have to know that I’m inside you. Know that I’ll be revealing it to you as you listen to me instead of to that false self that keeps you upset a lot of the time.”
This last statement was a little more than Martin could take. The idea that he had a false self, too, seemed very strange indeed!
Seeing Martin’s confusion, his Authentic Self said, “That other self, which isn’t even real, keeps you feeling and acting small and unimportant. When you start to pay attention to me, you’ll see ways that you really are important. You’ve been important all along.
“I’ll show you how you can impact your world with honesty and integrity. You’re the future, you know.”
“That’s a scary thought,” said Martin sarcastically.
“Sure it is,” replied his real self, who chuckled as he added, “Believe it or not, your fear isn’t real, either!”
And with that, Martin’s authentic self jumped back into his body!
Martin went to bed early that night. He had a lot to think about. . .