Interviews with Community Leaders Available on OLLI’s YouTube Channel
Sedona AZ (May 7, 2020) – Sedona residents obeying stay-at-home policies may wonder what’s going on around the community–at places like City Hall, the hospital, the school district, the foodbank, philanthropic organizations, local businesses, Yavapai College, caregivers to homebound elders, the newspaper, and the police department.
That curiosity now can be satisfied via a series of Zoom conversations recorded by Paul Friedman and Linda Shook of OLLI (the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute). They asked a dozen local leaders how their organizations are helping Sedona residents cope with the consequences of this pandemic.
On their YouTube channel–OLLI at Sedona•Verde Valley–interviews can be accessed with individuals, such as Mayor Sandy Moriarty, City Manager Justin Clifton, VVMC Medical Director Ron Haase, Head of Nursing Lori Green, Chamber CEO Jennifer Wesselhoff, Police Chief Charles Husted, Red Rock News Genl. Mgr. Kyle Larson, School Supt. Dennis Deardon, Foodbank Director Cathleen Healy-Baiza, VV Caregivers Director Kent Ellsworth, and Yavapai College Deans Tina Redd and Linda Shook.
Each is filmed busily at work (often at their home offices) adapting the services of their organization to the exigencies of this extraordinary period. Viewers of these programs get an “inside” or “backstage” view of what these leaders are deciding and doing, how they handle their everyday responsibilities, how their services have been altered, what they are learning, and what they foresee in the future.
Links to these programs also are available on OLLI’s web site: