Jon Trautwein
Fire Chief
Sedona Fire District
Sedona AZ (April 21, 2020) – The Sedona Fire District wants to thank this amazing community for partnering with us as we apply measures to help lessen the impact of COVID-19. We believe the steps that we are taking together will help reduce the spread of the virus and flatten the curve. Please remain diligent with us. We are grateful for your support and would like to remind everyone of the following:
- To be aware of and follow the recommendations by the CDC, Arizona Department of Health Services (ADHS) and County Health Departments
- To avoid all non-essential travel and crowds, and stay home as much as possible
- To cancel or postpone mass gatherings of more than 10 people
- To use telework and other alternatives when possible
- To maintain social distance and wash your hands frequently
- Stay Home, Stay Healthy, and Stay Connected
Once again, thank you for your partnership and support. We are confident we will weather this together and come out stronger on the other side!
Below are some useful links:
- WHO Corona Virus Homepage
- CDC Coronavirus Homepage
- CDC Interim Guidance for EMS
- CDC High Risk Population
- AZ DHS Corona Virus Home Page
- Coconino County Collaborator Info
- Yavapai County Health
- JHU Corona Virus Dashboard
- WHO Corona Virus Dashboard
- IAFC Corona Virus Resources
Please feel free to contact me if you have any additional related questions.
Jon Trautwein
Fire Chief
Sedona Fire District