Jon Trautwein
Fire Chief
Sedona Fire District
Sedona AZ (April 7, 2020) – The Sedona Fire District wants to assure the community that we continue to focus on responding to and mitigating all-hazard type incidents in the District. We are continuing to manage the COVID-19 pandemic from the emergency medical service perspective with the goal of making our community as safe as possible.
We would like to remind you of the following:
- To be aware of and follow the recommendations by the CDC, Arizona Department of Health Services (ADHS) and County Health Departments
- To avoid all non-essential travel and crowds, and stay home as much as possible
- To cancel or postpone mass gatherings of more than 10 people
- To use telework and other alternatives when possible
- To maintain social distance and wash your hands frequently
- Stay Home, Stay Healthy, and Stay Connected
The Sedona Fire District will continue to apply and evaluate recommendations and mitigation strategies related to COVID-19 to ensure we are providing the best possible service.
Below are some useful links:
- WHO Corona Virus Homepage
- CDC Coronavirus Homepage
- CDC Interim Guidance for EMS
- CDC High Risk Population
- AZ DHS Corona Virus Home Page
- Coconino County Collaborator Info
- Yavapai County Health
- JHU Corona Virus Dashboard
- WHO Corona Virus Dashboard
- IAFC Corona Virus Resources