Sedona News – Once again, a lucky individual will have the opportunity to grab all the groceries he/she can in a five-minute dash through Clark’s Market in the Village.
Tickets for the 2022 Grocery Grab raffle, sponsored by the Rotary Club of Sedona Village, are now available at Clark’s Market or on the Club website Tickets are $10 each or 3 for $25. In addition to the grand prize five-minute shopping spree at Clark’s Market, six more Clark’s gift card prizes, two each for $100, $75, and $50 will be drawn on April 16, at the Club’s Community Garden Plant & Seed Sale. The “grab” date is April 23, at Clark’s Market.
The Rotary Club of Sedona Village supports many local programs and projects with the proceeds from the Grocery Grab raffle. They include, among others, student summer enrichment scholarships, youth leadership programs, the community garden on the grounds of Big Park Community School, and Verde Valley Imagination Library.
The following sponsors help make the Grocery Grab possible: Damian & Danielle’s Sedona Village Real Estate Group, Eagle Cliff Development, Squeaky Clean, Front Burner Media, Stephen Hanks, Bell Rock Veterinary Clinic, Bay Equity, Yavapai Title Agency, Local Juicery, Rocky Road, Blackman’s Furniture, Jake and Leann Weber, Eye Boutique of Sedona, Sanctuary, John and Nicole Davis, Big Park Water Company, Rotten Johnny’s, Your Team by Kathy Cox, The Village Veterinary Hospital, Debbie Chanel Gregor of Sotheby’s.
Last year’s Grab winner donated the shopping spree to the Verde Valley Sanctuary. Representatives collected about $600 worth of groceries. Danielle Giann, Rotary coordinator of the event, said, “the Sanctuary reports that these groceries represent 50% of a typical monthly Sanctuary grocery bill.”
Rotary International is a service organization that works to promote world health, eradication of polio, supports the education of young people, and makes local communities a better place through a variety of service activities. The Rotary Club of Sedona Village meets the first and third Thursdays each month at the Big Park School campus. For more information about the club visit