Sedona AZ (May 2, 2016) – Red Rose Inspiration for Animals has become a name that residents of the Verde Valley have heard and seen more and more. The community has become familiar with the unique, Red Rose Thriftique, (41 Bell Rock Plaza in the Village of Oak Creek) as well as the pop up store Red Rose Re-Tails Thrift (841 S. Main Street, Cottonwood) as great places to shop and support animal welfare.
Residents and visitors alike take great enjoyment from browsing the Red Rose Art Shows that take place exclusively at the Olde Sedona Bar and Grill in West Sedona (1405 West Hwy 89A) The last show of the spring season will be May 7 and 8th from 10 am to 5:00 pm. Yet despite the small organization’s notoriety, there is much about Red Rose that has changed, and much that you may not know.
Red Rose did not start out as an organization that took in animals, but one that would support the animals in need through programs that provide specific services. However, in recent times Red Rose has taken on as many as two dozen rescue animals directly into their care, having them fostered by volunteers, sponsoring partners who help them grow and develop into adoptable, happy healthy new family members. It started with two dogs, and their desperate need for help, then their litter of puppies; and two litters of kittens, before long Red Rose was providing direct care and foster services for many more animals in need.
As the puppies and kittens grew, so did the Red Rose’s motivation to find them loving, healthy homes. The animals that came into the care of Red Rose all faced uncertain futures: some faced a lifetime on a heavy chain behind an abandoned house, others faced being sold at a swap meet without having been spayed, neutered, or vaccinated. Others, at only a week old, had only a cold winter ahead of them outdoors; they would not have survived.
Today, Red Rose has become a friend, resource, and a brighter future for the animals and people they’ve helped through their programs and direct care, and just like each of the animals that have been adopted through the organization. Red Rose continues to grow and change – but the mission is the same as it was in the beginning: healing and rehabilitating canines who have suffered from emotional abuse helping them become adoptable, a no kill organization that promotes spay and neuter to make a difference in the over pet population of canines and felines and promotes programs that connect animals with people.
Red Rose is able to help these animals in need through assistance programs, work directly in animal welfare, and serve the Verde Valley by the involvement and support from the supportive and engaged local community. From Red Rose Inspiration for Animals – “Thank you for being involved, and thank you for your support! Special thanks to our Veterinarian Partners Bell Rock Vet and Montezuma Vet. Along with Raven Pines Dog Rescue and Rehabilitation.”
Connect with Red Rose Inspiration for Animals on Facebook or by emailing and continue to donate, volunteer, shop and adopt through our organization.
Just what does Red Rose actually do with all the money they are constantly raising. They say above they recently took in two dozen animals for the first time which are in foster. Really, all that money and fostering for the first time. Another Sedona rescue group is taking them in all the time and always needing help. Just what is all that money Red Rose raises being spent on, doesn’t seem like much for the amounts taken in. How about it Red Rose?
To see what Red Rose does is very simple……….volunteer your time, efforts and heart to the organization as so many other folks have done. Tirelessly, unconditionally, and wholeheartedly. There are many rescue groups in this area, and there is a need, why disparage one that has continuously been a success and is constantly branching out into new areas of need? Remember the Starfish story……….”Why are you throwing those starfish back into the water, young man? You cannot possibly make a difference……… cannot save them all”……And the young man replied as he threw another struggling starfish back into the sea…………”It made a difference to that one…..”
Red Rose spends hundreds of dollars keeping people with their pets when a home situation is desperate. Funds are always needed for animals rescued. Vet visits are a given with rechecks/follow up appointments are often required before a pet is healthy and adoptable.
Rehab of a pet who has been abused, neglected or cruelly hurt need time in a foster home. Foster homes require money for foods, medications, gas to take pets to locations for training or for medical appointments. Bowls, collars, food, leashes. bedding, supplements, lab testing, X-rays. Behavior specialists or dog trainers are not inexpensive either!
Abusers require money to track them down and fix their warped views of superiority over animals residing on this planet with us, impress upon them that animals are not for human entertainment and torture. (Litigation)
The expenses continue with the rents at her two animal thrift stores. Her time in managing anything at the other end of a phone call to save an animal, and making something happen that wouldn’t be possible without her funds happens every single week. She comes through when other rescues are too full, under staffed or in quarantine.
Then, we have rental of parking lots of local businesses for her art shows again raising money for animals. Tina handles every single call that comes in personally, wherever the pets are in need, she travels to them, transports them and loves them into a forever home in the end. Many animals have never had a loving touch such as hers their entire miserable lives.
Margaret, please volunteer. You would have great knowledge as to where every single dollar goes at Red Rose Inspirations. All her donations go directly to the animals and their people who are in desperate need. This is one girl (Tina) who doesn’t live big or drive a fancy car or have a staff for that matter. She does it all.
She does not have foster homes or many options when a litter of 8 puppies come to her or an abused scared dog but she finds a way, finds a person to help, finds the funds, finds a foster home that is needed to provide only the very best care possible for any animals who come to her.
Her Rosie keeps her going even when energy is registering almost to the EMPTY line. Red Rose is Tina. You can trust your dollar is helping an animal who needs Tina. I have known her for 10 years (from the beginning) and I vouch for her honesty, her devotion and commitment to all animals in need of help.
I donate regularly, knowing the heart filled work this one woman gets up every day to do. She carries all the sorrow and the joy each animal brings. This woman has such character that is rare in 2016. Volunteer and really feel like your contributing to a grand cause! The world needs more Tina’s.
Terri Scheinuck
Redrock Precision Motors.
Margaret Michelle Coffey
If you cared enough about animal welfare you would first become informed/educated about Red Rose by talking to us in person. Unless you have something to hide?
Instead of criticizing Red Rose how about stepping up and volunteering?
As you know all too well I am the Founder of Red Rose, and personally dedicate my life to saving animals and have since the time I was a child. I don’t have “specialty dogs” that are bought from a breeder such as English Cocker Spaniels, etc..
Red Rose offers many programs to this community and not because we have a City or County contract. We earn most of our own money for our rescue. We have from the beginning and still till today support many other rescues in times of need.
We offer Emergency Medical to pet owners who have fallen upon hard time and need desperately to get their animals to a vet. We just had a situation the other day a couple living in their van went to every single vet in Cottonwood and contacted many of the rescues/shelters and was turned away. That exact same day Red Rose sent this couple to a vets office with their little pup who was suffering and in pain. We took care of the entire bill as we have in the past for many since this program was established in 2012.
We help pet owners who have fallen upon hard times and are homeless sponsoring them in a transitional home helping them get back on their feet/paws.
We offer FREE spay and neuter to felines and canines along with a Trap Neuter Release Program throughout Camp Verde that was founded in 2012.
We provide Special Prescription Pet Food to those pet owners who are financially challenged that are required for health reasons to provide this diet.
We help seniors and those that are disabled living on a fixed income of $740.00 a month… folks that are just getting by with no other financial resources, by getting their animal companion to a vet for medical attention.
Did you see the before and after picture of the dog that was tied out on a chain in this article? She and another dog along with their 6 day old puppies were taken in by Red Rose. When no other rescue group would help. These dogs were placed in a boarding facility for several months so they were kept from the extreme temperatures this past winter.
This is just the tip of the ice berg. Red Rose offers programs that fill the gaps in the community.
What I personally do in animal rescue along with our team members comes from the heart and our motivation level is completely different.
As Terri of Redrock Precision Motors mentioned she can vouch for my “honesty, devotion and commitment to all animals in need of help.”
Tina Allegrezza
Founder of Red Rose Inspiration For Animals
Dear Tina-Marie,
I just read your entire article and I want to personally thank you and your organization for all the hard work that you have accomplished for our communities. I have lived throughout the Verde Valley for almost 18 years and your organization has only been in existence for only a handful of years and has accomplished far more for our families and animals than any other local animal rescue organization that has been in existence for over 35 years. It takes determination, perseverance and Love for what you do to save these animals and people with all your available programs. I also read your response back to Margaret Coffey and from my experience please don’t let these folks with unhealthy egos get under your skin since it’s an outrageous act of jealously. This woman should purchase a full length mirror and stand back and see if she likes what she is seeing. I can guarantee her life is in shambles and she is an extremely disgruntled individual with no life purpose. Hopefully Margaret will step up and volunteer for your organization it might help her mental health “Often those who criticize others reveal what he himself lacks” Thank You again for your service to our community and keep up the good work…
Ms. Coffey,
I was quite surprised to read the first comment that was from you attacking this organization and Tina, the person leading this organization. Obviously you have a personal issue that you felt compelled to bring up in a public forum. This saddens me. If your words make even one person question or hesitate to donate their time or money to Red Rose, what do you think the repercussions will be? Do you think that will personally injure Tina? No, Margaret, it will hurt the animals and the people that love them and need help caring for them.
I do really hope that the next time you are angry or feeling that you need answers, you will consider picking up the phone and calling the focus of your emotions and asking whatever questions you need answered. That is the polite, considerate and adult way of handling things that may be bothering you.
I hope that you will be a little more thoughtful in the future on comments that you leave on public message boards.
“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter…” – MLK JR.
I have been personally touched by Red Rose Inspiration for Animals in more ways than one. I have seen the good they can do when an animal needs help, and the people who want to help them lack the resources to do so. I have seen Tina push herself to her own emotional and physical limits to care for, provide for, and ensure a future for dogs, cats, and people alike.
I encourage people every day to support her organization, not because I think the money and proceeds are being used for a good cause, but because I KNOW that they are. I think of the dogs like the one pictured, who’s futures were uncertain…who’s temperaments were unknown, and who’s owners were unknown. I think of the determination that Tina herself, and her organization as a whole have…stopping at nothing to provide a better, safer, happier and more secure future for dogs like these.
And I have seen the good it does for them. I have seen a shivering, cowering dog that trusted no one become a loving, playful and inquisitive companion…Tina – Thank you for all you do. The world needs more people doing what you do.
THANK YOU……. to all who have commented to Ms. Coffey on behalf of Red Rose.
I think now Ms. Coffey has a full understanding of Red Rose and all that we do and continue to do through Red Rose for the animals in the Verde Valley.
I realized I did not mention something to Ms. Coffey.
In fact I will answer two of her questions.
1) We never said we are fostering for the FIRST TIME, as we have fostered in the past. We have never taken on 24 animals all at one time.
We said the following:
“Red Rose did not start out as an organization that took in animals, but one that would support the animals in need through programs that provide specific services. However, in recent times Red Rose has taken on as many as two dozen rescue animals directly into their care, having them fostered by volunteers, sponsoring partners who help them grow and develop into adoptable, happy healthy new family members. It started with two dogs, and their desperate need for help, then their litter of puppies; and two litters of kittens, before long Red Rose was providing direct care and foster services for many more animals in need.”
2) You mentioned another Sedona Rescue group is taking them in all the time and always needing help.
That is great another group is taking them in! We are stronger together! However the Sedona Rescue group does not take in felines or provide services for felines. They do not do TNR Feral Cat Rescue and they do not foster felines or provide Emergency Medical or FREE Spay and Neuter Services for Felines and we at Red Rose do animal rescue which includes felines and canines.
So my question Ms. Coffey is the following:
What other no kill rescue group in Sedona (and I’m talking “RESCUE” not shelter) would assist the felines? The answer Ms. Coffey would be none. Since Red Rose is the only no kill rescue for felines in Sedona. In fact in the Verde Valley.
So now that you have been educated maybe you might be inclined to volunteer or donate to our organization in the near future.
Cheers my friend
Tina Allegrezza
Founder of Red Rose Inspiration For Animals
Hello Red Rose Volunteers and Tina.
I want to thank you in an open forum for all your support in Camp Verde. Your feral cat programs have helped reduce the overpopulation here. Many people think that feral cats are disposable and have no use at all and discard them on the side of the road. As a matter of fact we have 2 feral cats that you helped us acquire for our barn and storage building that now have become our pets. From wildcats to loving cats!!
I read thru your reply’s on this forum and Mrs.Coffey has absolutely no clue what is going on with your organization. She should focus more on her Paint Store than whatever goes on in the animal rescue world. As of now I will not support her business. Sincerely, Daniel
Ms. Coffey,
Why are you just calling out Red Rose and not any other rescues? If you are so concerned about how Red Rose spends money that it raises to fund its programs, you could volunteer to help. Instead, you elect to criticize them when you have NO idea what goes on with their nine different programs. Red Rose has no facility to house rescued animals but has found itself having to find fosters to care for abandoned and abused animals.
Last summer Red Rose rescued no less than 50 cats and kittens from 3 separate hoarding situations. All of these were quarantined 30 days or more. All of them were sick and required daily medication twice a day. This count does not include the over 500 TNR feral cats, trapped, spayed/neutered, treated for any illness or injuries, given their first-year rabies and their 4/1 upper respiratory shots and that is only one of their programs.
Other programs help seniors to keep their pets when they find themselves not able to afford medical care for their only companion because they live on a fixed income (Better Together), emergency medical for an injured or ill pet (Emergency Medical), Getting Back on Your Paws, Pitty Party, Special Pet Prescription Food, General Spay and Neuter, Raven Pines Rehab and Healing Division).
On top of these programs, there is liability insurance, kennels, carriers, crates, traps, food, gas for vehicles to do all these rescues, all the expenses of behind the scenes. Red Rose finances these things from money they raise and donations. They are a fairly new rescue and started with nothing. They continue to grow and change according to needs in animal rescue. There is no shortage of animals in need, only money to help them. So please do your homework before you post next time.