Toley Ranz, teacher of kindness, tolerance and self-esteem, is aiming to help even more kids (and parents) by moving entirely online. Brand new “Stuck at Home” program is ready to change some lives in the face of the pandemic.
Sedona AZ (August 11, 2020) – Since its momentous launch, the Toley Ranz Foundation and its popular namesake character have helped hundreds of children and families overcome bullying through their unique support program. The world is increasingly digital, and that’s never been more accurate than what we’ve seen the past few months. Online shopping, schooling, entertainment and way of life have become more important than ever, serving as a literal lifeline for us during these times of quarantine. This is why the creator of Toley Ranz, Anke Otto-Wolf, has decided to relocate the entire brand online, enabling the Toley Ranz Foundation to help support more people than ever.
The announcement of their all-digital strategy follows Ms. Otto-Wolf being named the “Spiritual Soul Tour Operator 2019-20, USA” by Global Luxury Travel Guide for the work she’s done with her visionary company, Sedona Soul Balance. While Sedona Soul Balance and Toley Ranz are two very different entities, there is a shared spirit between them. This is why Ms. Otto-Wolf’s recent accolade has really set the stage for the grand efforts of The Toley Ranz Foundation.
In response to the growing COVID-19 crisis, they are launching a special online program for children, parents, and grandparents currently “Stuck At Home” — and yes, that’s actually the title of the program! More than fitting for the various levels of isolation being experienced by folks all over the world.
Considering the fact that most people are stuck indoors, to some degree or another, at the moment it makes perfect sense for Toley Ranz to fill the void in children’s lives. There is an empty space left by closed schools, canceled events and playdates, and even limited interaction with extended family.
Let’s face it: This is a hard time for everyone, but most parents are feeling a deep sadness and regret for their children, not themselves, namely because this unexpected pandemic has turned their little lives upside down.
Even if our kids don’t fully understand the gravity of the situation, we as adults do, and we know what our little ones are missing out on… And it breaks our hearts. As adults, we can handle it; we can adapt, but imagine how confusing and upsetting it is for a young child whose awesome school year was cut short. Imagine all the plans and projects, the shows and lessons that either now come to naught, or end up modified through home schooling, rewritten rules, and a seemingly endless stream of FaceTime and Zoom dates. If we’re going to state this candidly, let us not sugarcoat it: No child should have to go through this.
Most parents, grandparents and guardians are doing their best right now, but sometimes the best just isn’t enough. After all, we’re talking about a globally devastating health event. That’s precisely why Anke Otto-Wolf’s Toley Ranz Foundation has created these timely programs. They are specifically designed for children who are stuck indoors during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The “Stuck At Home” package includes the 11-inch, talking Toley Ranz plush doll; the three-in-one ‘Psst-Psst’ story book; as well as a music CD, songs and materials in accordance with CASEL, such as implementation manuals, videos and e-books. In addition to all of this, founder Anke Otto-Wolf will also be offering personal and exclusive support to parents via email and phone.
Anke Otto-Wolf has stated, “As a parent, grandparent and veteran educator myself, I know you cannot do it all alone; so, I urge you ‘Come TOLEY RANZ with us!'”
Complementing the Toley Ranz digitalization will be a weekly podcast across iHeart, Spreaker, Apple Play, Spotify and other platforms, as well as regular videos being published on the Toley Ranz YouTube channel—including a dedicated series teaching children about the coronavirus. The organization also launched live webinars and Facebook Live Events encouraging everyone to “Come Toley Ranz with us!”
This is what pushback against a pandemic looks like. So do the right thing for your children; keep their education and emotional well-being going strong with Toley Ranz. They’ll learn the five essential competencies and invaluable skills to not only cope, but thrive in these times of uncertainty. The TOLEY RANZ Program’s “Effective Parent Strategy” is first of all a reminder of self-care for parents, guiding to inner peace, self-awareness and self-power to resist ‘flying off the handle’; and learn to excel from being an ‘Emotional Detective’ to steadfastly being “curios instead of furious”.
For more information on Toley Ranz, The Toley Ranz Foundation, and the many services they offer, please visit our official website.
Otto-Wolf, a veteran educator and member of the California State Education Conferences, University of California Riverside, is also the founder of Sedona Soul Balance, multiple award winner and 2019-20 recipient of “Spiritual Soul Tour USA” (London, UK); as Shamanic Life Coach, Anke assists individuals in shedding guilt, blame, shame and guides, especially women, onto a path of positive energy. This intense work led her to include this matchless approach for children who are ‘co-suffering’ – thus, “Toley Ranz Stops Bullying” was born. Her solid commitment to improving education for children and adults, especially for children’s emotional well-being during their formative years, is evident in the creation of Toley Ranz.