By Arthur Poole
Sedona AZ (December 14, 2014) – The Oak Creek Apples Macintosh User Group will meet on Wednesday, December 17, at the Elks Lodge off Airport Road in West Sedona.
Beginning at 5:00 PM:
Continuing our regular sessions of “Mac Basics and Beyond”, local Mac/PC consultant Alan Gore will field any questions the audience might have about the Mac. At this session, please feel free to ask any Apple-related question, from the most basic to the most advanced. Come listen, learn, and ask questions about the Macintosh computer. We stress that there are no “dumb†questions. Attendees of this portion are usually about evenly split between folks new to the Mac and those with greater familiarity with the magical machine. But everyone seems to learn something.
The Main Meeting starts at 6:15 PM. This month our feature presentation will be:
Corby Bradford, Sales Consultant assisted by Bill Unkovich, Market Development, and Mic Monk Jones, Area Supervisor of technical effort will talk about services offered, plans for the future and the technical challenges in providing reliable internet service in the Sedona Area.
Information to be provided includes things such as, area maps of fiber optic and enhanced electronic data transmission coverage, future plans, etc. Ask lots of questions. They hinted at free promotional items and give-aways.
Christmas Refreshments – We will provide cider, iced tea, cups, plates, forks, spoons, napkins and tablecloths. We would like members to bring finger foods and dessert. Think of chicken, veggies and dip, sweets, cake, cookies, or chips anything that will not require utensils and kitchenware.
Free. Public Invited. Elks Lodge, 110 Airport Road in West Sedona.
The lounge is open from three in the afternoon until the end of the Apples meeting. Three Tacos, Taco Salad or Nachos are available for $5 starting 5 pm to 7 pm or until they run out.
As a result of an increase of our monthly rent of this fine facility, we will be increasing our annual dues to $35 starting January 1, 2015. Save $10 by joining, at the December meeting, at the old rate of $25!
Contact: (928) 821-3395. The Oak Creek Apples has been designated as a 501(c)3 organization by the IRS for education on Apple computers including maintenance and security, and software applications. Donations are tax deductible.