OCA will continue its virtual/online meetings on the 3rd Saturday of April, Saturday, April 17, 2021, beginning at 10:00AM at the following online address: https://us02web.
Passcode: 0dy7XV
If you want to attend the meeting by phone, here is where to Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.
The Oak Creek Apples Macintosh User Group (OCAMUG) is exclusively an educational institution for the public on the use of Apple Computers and other iOS devices, including maintenance, security, and software applications. OCAMUG is a 501.c.3 organization and donations are tax deductible. Membership in the Oak Creek Apples is open to anyone who wishes to belong. For more information ask at the Zoom meeting, or email oakcreekapples@gmail.com. Thank you for your interest in and support of the OCAMUG.