Sedona News – The Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) of Sedona presents author and educator Robert F. Farrell, D.Eng. in the new series dedicated to the scientific research of the UFO phenomena. His lecture is “The Science Behind the ‘Mummies’ of Nazca, Peru” on Sunday, October 22, at 3:00 pm, at The Global Center for Christ Consciousness, 100 Northview Road, Sedona, AZ 86336.

Something historic is happening in Nazca, Peru. In early 2017 several “unusual” bodies and parts of bodies were examined after being given to the Inkari Institute in Cusco, Peru in late 2016. The location of the find as well as the name of the discoverer have been kept secret to prevent graverobbing.
All of the bodies are hominid, still have all of their internal organs but have only three fingers and three toes as shown in the Gaia photo above. The bodies have all been preserved for perhaps thousands of years and have not had any internal organs removed. Some of the bodies which are only two feet tall, are believed to be reptilian and have a skeleton structure similar to a frog. Computer tomography of this species does not show any evidence of lungs or digestive tract. They died about 1,100 years ago. Their DNA does not match anything on record.
Over 25 years ago, Dr. Farrell began researching for his science fiction series of novels; Alien Log (I, II, III, and IV). He concluded that beyond Earth there is life which is not only technically but also spiritually more advanced than humans; for thousands of years, people have seen highly sophisticated craft capable of high g maneuvers and accelerations beyond 100gs –only possible if gravitational field propulsion is used. This led him to develop his lecture and book entitled, The Science Behind Alien Encounters as a way to enlighten laypeople about ufology.
He continued with titles and lectures: The Science Behind Creation of OUR Universe WITHOUT a Big Bang; The Science Behind Noah’s Flood; The Science Behind Gravitational Field Propulsion, Key to Interstellar Travel, and now, on the Mysterious Mummies. All of his books made “Best Sellers List” on Amazon in 2012.
“This new series provides a platform for the public to learn more about the UFO phenomena,” said MUFON Sedona Chapter director, Jennifer Stein. “We believe that the more knowledge we have, the better we can understand the UFO phenomena and its implications.” Each monthly program offers a different aspect of “high strangeness”—from ancient archaeology, ancient aliens, the UFO disclosure project, alien contact, UFO crash sights, and US politics and the UFO phenomenon. Programs include lectures, discussions, and presentations from experts in the field of UFO research.
Sedona MUFON hosts the two-hour program, with a Q&A following and a chance to meet the speaker and friends for dinner at a nearby restaurant. This program is open to the public. Events are monthly, October-June on Sunday afternoons at 3 p.m. at The Global Center for Christ Consciousness, 100 Northview Road, Sedona, AZ, 86336. Doors open at 2:30. Admission is $15.00 dollars at the door, cash preferred. For more information, contact Jennifer W. Stein at 610-613-0088 or at For monthly programs, please visit
MUFON is currently the largest and oldest non-profit, civilian-run UFO organization in the world. It publishes a monthly journal, holds an annual symposium, and currently has more than 800 trained field investigators and 3500 members throughout the globe.