Sedona AZ (March 7, 2013) – Life Transitions of Hopi Youth, a visual program by Ramson Lomatewama of Hopi, is happening March 30, 7 – 9 pm, at the Sedona Public Library. Ramson says, “to the Hopi an individual goes through multiple life cycles or symbolic life cycles. With every cycle the individual grows in a number of ways.” He will speak on development of a
child into adult and educating Hopi students using traditional values. Lomatewama is mentor at the Hopi School in Hotevila, Arizona and a retired adjunct professor of sociology, a poet, artist and traditional farmer.
This program is co-sponsored by Crossing Worlds Hopi Projects (a local non-profit service group since 1999) and Verde Valley Archaeology Center. Cost is $10. For more information: 928-282-0846, or