By John Roberts, Sedona Resident
(December 10, 2020)
For years the assignment of the “most stupid” belonged to the Iowa fence post.
Then president Donald Trump began his tenure in the White House where upon he usurped the fence post by taking over the top ranking as the very most stupid.
Just recently we Sedonans all discovered that a regular contributor in the local media really most deserves to carry the first place stupid designation. His posting was in the Sedona Biz dated 12,7,2020 at 3:18pm in which he postulated ; “you are sheep – we your masters set for you ” plus blah blah with no end.. shows why he quickly must pass Trump into a first place ranking. No need to spell out his name because any one of you readers will recognize this stuffed shirt’s real last name by his writing style. As a hint he always prefaces his name with an importance identifying MR to open his rant.
I hope the Biz staff will continue printing his posts. Otherwise we readers will be denied this messenger reporting the local stink of garbage.
Just an innocent unbiased observation for consideration.