By John Roberts, Sedona Resident
(May 11, 2021)
It’s amazing that opposition for a coronavirous cure advice from world recognized experts like these two doctors even exists in America where such a strong high level of enlightening education is present. It brings back the days of the popular snake oil cures for illnesses.
It is present because the gullibility of the lemming crowd who believe every single lying remark Trump offers. That’s the most amazing aspect, not the disease. Quite a headwind to progress traceable to the record two times Trump faced realistic impeachments.
Trump is the reason you have three successful vaccines in record time. But keep typing Roberts,
Roberts is a shill. His job is to peddle the vaccine and ensure people wear masks forever. He is also a mysogonist. He represents the forces of ignorance and is a Pied Piper of stupidity. He reminds us all of what is wrong with America. The depth of his ignorance cannot be plumbed.
Also at micheal below(since your the same)
Sandy ran into the BF that stumped you……he’s never been happier.
Thought you should know
When dangerous political hacks like Fauci, the CDC and WHO collude to defraud the public with 1930s Germany propaganda devoid of actual science, it is every persons right in a free Republic to push back against said fraud. Only those being led around by their media-nose-ring and incapable of independent thought are gullible enough to fall for the propaganda. There is no “cure” for the current manufactured SARS-CoV-2 virus. The spike protein medical device shots being used now are NOT a vaccine – it is a medical device created to address cancer and modified for current use – but the future health ramifications are unknown. So far, the “cure” is worse than the 99.9% survivable disease.
So, No name Michael, if this is fraud when will it, a felony, be before a grand jury for consideration of a trial ? Since you’ll see no jury convened, what will be your blubbering reply ?
HEE HAW !!!!!!!!
John Roberts…..HEE HAW!!!!!??????? Wow, sir….you just proved to me what an ass you truly are.
OK Lindquist, tell me if you have accomplished a single worthwhile thing for Sedona ? I think it a fat old zero. So that makes you too a jerk equal to the Schorr female, doesn’t it. Hardly qualifying . Whose the ass now ??????
There you go again thinking you are so macho. Since you can’t win logically you resort to barnyard insults. The truth is the virus is a scam and so are the masks and the vaccines. Try as you might you can’t change that. Now that the sheep have been told they can take off their masks we will finally see smiling faces again.
Her majesty, the posting queen better known as the neurotic ninny of Sedona has wailed away with another ” important ” message. Maybe this tirade was prompted by a communication from her ex telling her how much better his life is now that he’s no longer hanging out in her garbage can.
Enjoy the aroma sweetie pie all by yourself.
from the gang.
Her Majesty? Posting Queen? Sweety Pie? Why thank you for being polite for once in your truncated life. Are you going soft on me? Oops. Of course you are. You took the vaccine like my shrink-wrapped-no-longer-able-to-perform ex-boyfriend. C’mon men out there who took it. How’s your performance these days?
Hi, I would like to dare John to awaken from the media induced stupor and look into the NIH and human experimentation Tuskegee syphilis study. Or check out a scientist named Dr Robert Willner and his AIDS studies. Have you heard of the sustainability agenda that stems from overpopulation? Faucci is a criminal. Covid is a bioweapon. This is crimes against humanity.. and Faucci and those who stand to gain are the ones you trust? I hope for your sake you take a good look at those facts that are not project mockingbird provided for you. Seek and you will find, if you can handle the truth. Since you went out of your way to comment upon the subject perhaps you have a lot to gain from it, maybe more than you bargained for.
Aleigh, you are a numbskull.
Go soak your empty head in a bucket of anything you find in a sewer pipe.
From an engineer who knows more about them than anyone else in Arizona.