By Terry Hansen
Hales Corner WI
(August 27, 2021)
On June 30, 49 U.S. scientific organizations, including the American Association for the Advancement of Science and the American Meteorological Society, sent a letter to Congress expressing the “urgency of boldly addressing climate change.” The letter warns:
“To reduce the risk of the most severe impacts of climate change, anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions must be substantially reduced. … Rapid action is necessary to avoid potentially disastrous consequences for health, biodiversity, food security, water availability, and national security.”
And on August 9, 60 U.S. health organizations, including the American Heart Association and the American Lung Association, sent a letter to Congress declaring climate change a health emergency and asserting:
“Congress’ current work on legislation to invest in infrastructure and other priorities must yield a package of climate change measures that meet the urgency of this moment by achieving a roughly 50% reduction in U.S. greenhouse gas emissions by 2030. … More intense and frequent wildfires, strong storms and persistent extreme heat are already causing physical and mental harm.”
A $3.5 trillion reconciliation bill is now being considered in Congress. This is a crucial opportunity for climate action that can’t be blocked by the filibuster. Please contact your representatives in Washington and urge them to include a price on carbon dioxide emissions in this legislation. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, “Explicit carbon prices remain a necessary condition of ambitious climate policies.” It’s the single most powerful way to reduce emissions.
Letter to Congress from 49 U.S. scientific organizations
Letter to Congress from 60 U.S. health organizations
1 Comment
The climate has been changing for 4.2 billion years…before man was around.
Fires are no worse than they have been in the past.. another fact. Same with hurricanes.and all the other panic news.
The earth is getting greener, a NASA scientific fact. Plants like CO2. Highest CO2 in planet history was 5x what it is today, the Cretaceous and Jurasssic periods, 100s of millions of years ago. Planet was flush with flora.
The US already has the cleanest air and water. 3.4 trillion more in debt isn’t fixing anything but politicians pockets and their “green allies” bank accounts.
Which is what this is really all about.
The PARIS CLIMATE joke has no teeth, and it allows India and China to do what they want. READ IT.
Mother nature is harsh, and it will kill you without reliable fossil fuels to keep us in a livable climate.
Climate deaths have plumented due to cheap energy.
You want cheap clean energy? It’s not rocket science.
Geo Thermal
And the # 1 on the hit parade…Nuclear, especially with the new technology.
Holy grail, Fusion. But you’ll never get there throwing billions down the rat hole of grid solar and wind. Both losers, neither is base load power.
Time to stop throwing trillions out the door that we don’t have. Unless you don’t have grand kids and great grandkids that you could care less about. Their future saddled with this incredible debt.
Then you don’t care what happens to future generations.
(PS…wind and solar and all the subsidized games isn’t going to help them either)
Cheap energy saves millions of human lives. And will continue to do so.
Humans are part of the planet also.