Information & Perspective by Warren Woodward
(June 4, 2017)
Seven days of APS rate case hearings before an Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC) administrative law judge (ALJ) ended May 2nd. Post-Hearing Briefs were then due May 17th, and Post-Hearing Rebuttal Briefs were due June 1st. So when I wasn’t making videos of my heart getting zapped by a “smart” meter, May was spent writing.
Now the ALJ will take time to read the Briefs then issue what’s called a Recommended Opinion & Order (ROO) to the ACC commissioners who will consider the ROO and hold an open meeting to vote on what they think APS should get in this rate case. There is no time schedule for all that to take place, but I’d guess three weeks for the ALJ to issue the ROO and then two or three weeks for the ACC to have an open meeting. Read More→