Sedona AZ (August 7, 2019) – The League of Women Voters Greater Verde Valley and the Sedona International Film Festival are partnering to celebrate the 99th anniversary of women winning the right to vote. On August 18, the League will host a food and wine reception, a showing of the film “The Empowerment Project” followed by a community conversation at the Mary D. Fisher Theater, 2030 W. Hwy 89A, Sedona. The reception begins at 6PM, the film at 7PM. The ticket price is $9 honoring the 99th anniversary.
According to Kathy Kinsella, President of the League of Women Voters Greater Verde Valley, ” The battle for women’s suffrage took place over a 75 year period and included marches, protests outside the White House urging President Wilson to support the effort, and even arrests and torture of the women protesters. It was a monumental victory for women in this country and we honor our foremothers for their legacy to us. Many of the original suffragettes did not live to see the battle won. Every time we cast our ballot, we honor them.”
The food and wine reception will be from 6PM-7PM outside the Mary Fisher Theatre. Food and soft drinks are free; wine is available for sale inside the theatre.
At 7PM, the film “The Empowerment Project” will be shown. The film documents the incredible journey of a crew of female filmmakers driving across America to encourage, empower and inspire the next generation of strong women to go after their career ambitions. Driving over 7000 miles from LA to NY over the course of 30 days, the film spotlights 8 positive and powerful women leaders across a variety of lifestyles and industries. In the process, the female filmmakers capture their own transformational journeys. The film challenges the audience to ask themselves, “What would you do if you knew you would succeed?” The film will be followed by an audience conversation led by Barbara Litrell, Past President of the League and a community activist.
Tickets for the film are available online at or at the box office. For information call 649-0135.