By Jeanie Carroll
Music Educator, West Sedona School
Sedona AZ (November 11, 2014) – West Sedona School presents our 16th Annual Festival of Song at two locations this year! Preparations for the Annual International Festival of Food and Song are underway at West Sedona School AND Sedona Red Rock High School!
Our students become Ambassadors of Peace from foreign lands and perform in foreign languages and dress in their country’s colors. They realize in the end that the world has no borders. We are all one. It is also a time to be grateful for the opportunity that living in the USA affords us: Peace and abundance.
This has been a tradition for K-6 at West Sedona for 16 years, now, spearheaded by Jeanie Carroll, music educator at West Sedona School. The dates are November 19 for K-2 at West Sedona School 6pm and November 20 for 3rd through 5th and High School at the Sedona Performing Arts Center at 6:30pm. Admission is only $5 per adult and $1 per student for these performances at both venues. This is to offset costs of production and extra donations will be gratefully accepted.
“I wanted all parents, children and community members to be able to attend. If you haven’t been to our facilities before, here is your chance to visit AND to see what we, music teachers, are accomplishing with our students! It’s my favorite event of the school year since our community of Ambassadors come together to share their talent and enthusiasm United by Song!” Carroll says.
Shondra Jepperson, who wrote the theme song, “The Children’s Anthem” is singing it with the younger Ambassadors on the November 19th performance. The West Sedona Steel Drum Ensemble will entertain the parents on the 20th in the foyer as they wait to go into the SRRHS theatre just before showtime. It is fun for the kids, for their teachers and for YOU, too! It’s a heartwarming time that I hope you will all attend! Merci, grazie, gracias, obrigado, danke schoen and THANK YOU!!
You are invited event if you do not have kids in school! We’d love to have kids from all area schools in the audience. If you know a song you can sing along! Come see what we’re up to! 🙂 Admission is offered at the door.