Students from schools around the country will decorate umbrellas to be displayed at Hillside Sedona raising money for underprivileged Costa Rican school.
Sedona AZ (April 9, 2015) – Hillside Sedona is pleased to announce that the Umbrella Project Event will take place on April 24, 25 and 26th and will benefit a underprivileged school in Costa Rica.
Started in 1990 by Hilda Brown, the Umbrella Project is a 501c (3) nonprofit raising funds for various causes. In years past, proceeds from the sales of the umbrellas have been donated to victim charities such as the 2006 Indian Ocean tsunami, the 2010 Haitian earthquake and the 2011 Eastern Japan earthquake and tsunami. Funds have also been donated to assist other schools in need, nonprofit groups and organizations serving children around the world.
Students and chaperons from two Arizona schools, Verrado High School and Desert Edge High School will be traveling to Costa Rica to mentor and paint umbrellas with La Guaria Students on March 18th, 19th and 20th. These umbrellas will be brought back to Sedona and be on display during the event.
Basic umbrellas are sent to schools around the country that choose to participate, students decorate them and once completed are returned to Arizona to be put on display during the weekend of April 24th. The general public can donate money for an umbrella, the money raised will go directly to this years’ beneficiary the La Guaria Elementary School in Costa Rica. La Guaria, currently has 21 students, little resources and no technology department. The principal also carries the role of teacher, librarian, custodian and cafeteria worker. The funds will be used to purchase a computer so that the children can experience life outside of their small town and for supplies to enhance their learning experience, including adding books to their library.
“We are thrilled that the Umbrella Project has chosen to showcase the beautiful umbrellas made by students across the country again this year”, said Karen Reynolds, property manager.
For more information on events, visit