Sedona AZ (December 11, 2018) – The Verde Valley chapter of Great Decisions will begin their 2019 program in January, and invites members of the community to join the group and engage in thought-provoking discussions on key foreign policy issues.
Sponsored by the Foreign Policy Association, Great Decisions is America’s largest discussion program on world affairs. The program model involves reading the Great Decisions briefing book and meeting in a discussion group to talk about the most critical global issues facing America today. The Great Decisions briefing book serves as the focal text for discussion groups by providing background information, expert analysis, and suggested discussion questions for each foreign policy issue.
In 2019, the issues to be discussed include: Refugees and Global Migration, The Middle East: Regional Disorder, Nuclear negotiations: Back to the Future?, The Rise of Populism in Europe, Decoding U.S.-China Trade, Cyber Conflicts and Geopolitics, The United States and Mexico: Partnership Tested, and State of the State Department and Diplomacy.
Prior to each session, discussion group participants read the briefing book article, typically 8-10 pages, and conduct any additional research they wish to do on the topic. One member of the group makes a presentation on the issue during the first hour of the meeting. The second hour is dedicated to a round-table discussion.
Meetings are held at the Sedona Public Library meeting room, from 10:10 am to noon. The first session of 2019 will take place in mid-January.
If you are interested in joining the Great Decisions discussion group, please contact John Hake at 303-246-5112 or by emailing John at