A unique literacy program for 0-5 year-olds at the Camp Verde Community Library
Camp Verde AZ (May 23, 2018) – Beginning Friday, June 8 at 11:00a Camp Verde’s Youth Services Librarian, Nadia Torabi, will begin offering Fun with Math and Science, a six week parent/child STEM based program introducing fundamental concepts of math and science using play and books.
Children learn through play. They learn about the world around them through exploration. Fun with Math and Science uses play and exploration in an interactive series designed to align with the Arizona Early Learning Standards for Math and Science and Arizona’s School Readiness Framework. Through a unique adult/child participation program, parents learn simple strategies to involve children from 0-5 years old in science and math concepts that help build and strengthen their mathematical and scientific thinking skills.
Parents are encouraged to sign up and be prepared to attend all six classes. To learn more about this or any other program in the Children’s Library visit www.cvlibrary.org or call 928-554-8387.