Sedona AZ (June 27, 2014) – The City of Sedona’s Citizen Engagement Program has launched an online platform, called Engage Sedona, to provide a new way to engage its residents. The interactive website acts as a polling place, idea lab and feedback tool, and will function as a go-to source for online citizen participation on City issues.
Whether residents are taking a poll on a community topic, sharing their input on what they would like to see around an area in the City, or using it as a think-tank to share ideas on what could make the City better, it is a great mechanism for easy, quick, meaningful engagement.
Along with the work groups, Community Plan Advisory Groups, and other citizen committees under the Citizen Engagement Program, this online platform will make it easy for residents to voice their input on a number of topics the City will have open for comment. This platform will connect staff, citizens and City Council on the City of Sedona’s decisions.
Because Engage Sedona allows members of the community to contribute from their own homes and on their own schedules, the City believes that a broader audience will be engaged. And, with this broader audience, comes a broader range of ideas, solutions and participation.
So, who should participate on Engage Sedona? You! The City wants your ideas, your feedback, your comments and your point of view.
Go to to participate. Additionally, you can go to the City’s citizen engagement website by visiting and clicking on the citizen engagement icon to access all of the information on the Citizen Engagement Program, including links to Engage Sedona. From there, you can also follow the program on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. At the bottom of the webpage, you’ll see links to our social media outlets.
Last, residents can now text the Citizen Engagement Coordinator your input, suggestions, questions, etc. at 928-821-6958.
For more information, please contact Lauren Browne, Citizen Engagement Coordinator, at 203-5068 or email