Sedona AZ (November 21, 2016) – The city of Sedona invites residents and property owners to a public meeting on Monday, December 5, 2016 at 5:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at Sedona’s City Hall to hear about the initial steps in the planning process for the city’s Wastewater Master Plan (WWMP). This meeting will also provide an opportunity for attendees to voice their wastewater needs and ability or desire to connect to the city’s system in the future.
The city of Sedona contracted Carollo Engineers to develop a WWMP as a tool to guide future improvements to the wastewater collection and treatment systems which meets the needs of the residents and businesses of Sedona, and protects the environment and natural resources for future generations.
At the public meeting, the planning team will present the history of the city’s wastewater system, why the WWMP is needed, the plan’s objectives and planning process, and then provide time for residents to share their wastewater concerns and issues with the planning team.
“We are holding this meeting to inform residents about the Wastewater Master Plan process and what it includes, and then listen to their thoughts and concerns, whether it be from those on septic systems interested in connecting to city sewer or general concerns residents may have about their wastewater system,” said Roxanne Holland, associate engineer, city of Sedona.
This public meeting is one of the initial steps in the planning process, which will likely be followed by mailers or discussions with those property owners that are near the existing system or have expressed an interest in connecting, with a follow up public meeting next year to present the draft of the WWMP for comments.
For more information on the WWMP, contact Holland at or 928-203-5069.