Sedona News – As part of the State Route (SR) 179 Sewer Main Replacement Project: Phase 2, the city of Sedona and their contractor, Standard Construction Company, will extend night work and road closures potentially for the duration of the project due to unforeseen utility work.
For this coming week, the contractor will continue night work to complete work that cannot be performed during the day without major traffic implications. Specifically, work will occur on the nights of Sunday, Jan. 30, 2022, Tuesday, Feb. 1, 2022, and Wednesday, Feb. 2, 2022. Traffic control set-up will begin at 8 p.m., with lane closures and a pilot car operation lasting from 10 p.m. to 7 a.m. It is possible there will also be day work continuing throughout this time period.
Night work will minimize impacts to local businesses and the traveling public, and allow crews to continue connecting the newly installed sewer main into the city’s existing system within the Schnebly Hill Roundabout along SR 179. A pilot car operation will be in place during night work to keep traffic moving, despite full lane closures. Please allow extra time to get through the area and follow all marked signage.
Temporary driveway closures will be necessary during the upcoming night work. The contractor will coordinate with local businesses to ensure access is provided when possible.
The city will continue to send night work closure updates on a weekly basis or as dates are known. Sewer construction work is expected to finish in early spring, with final paving to occur later in the spring when nighttime temperatures are warmer.
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