Sedona, AZ — What a show! This wasn’t an angry president trying to convince the nation that he was in control and command. This was a savvy and seasoned political actor using the pretense of anger to get his point across.
It was all an act to make the public think he was strong and ready for a fight. It was not a State of the Union Address. It was a campaign speech on steroids.
President Joe Biden was on fire. Whether it was adrenaline or some exotic new drug only the very rich and powerful have access to, Biden came off as cognitive, logical, emotional, passionate, and everything he needed to be to convince his followers and half the nation that he was still in charge.
And his stamina was remarkable. He was up there for more than an hour, pumping emotion into his well-written speech and then working the room afterward for his adoring fans. He never appeared tired.
That old dog was full of vim and vigor, and though many will say he was shouting the entire time, many others will say that his emotional delivery was because he sees his country threatened by Trump and company. He is sounding an alarm, and he wants everyone to wake up to it.
“Of course, he is angry,” they would say. “He sees democracy and our country being destroyed, and he wants to do something about it before it’s too late.”
I’m no fan of either of the candidates and am simply an observer observing how populations are manipulated by their political leaders, but that was a damn good speech delivered with just the right amount of spice to sway Democrats who have lost faith in Biden, to be reborn.
His anger was not real. It was cynically manipulated by the savvy speechwriters to appear he was angry but in truth, he was cool as a cucumber on the inside.
It was theatre, political theatre of the highest caliber.
I’ll bet Biden’s blood pressure never went over 120/80, even though on the outside he appeared ready to bust a blood vessel.
It wasn’t so much what he said as how he said it.
People love emotion, and those who support him ate it up.
He went from passionate, to calm, to reasonable, to humorous, to whispering, smiling, scowling, grimacing; he covered all the emotional bases.
But what I really enjoyed was watching Speaker Johnson’s stealthily muted reactions to some of Biden’s remarks, so barely contained but subtly delivered. He had these little shakes of the head and flips of his eyes with which he communicated his displeasures to his colleagues in front of him.
And I felt sorry for attendees with bad knees, having to stand up and sit down so many times thanks to Kamala cheerleading the standing ovations.
We can bet that Biden’s ratings are going to go up on this one. He looked like an old geezer one had best not mess with. He looked like a president on a mission. Like get out of the way or I will flatten you..
When he got off that stage, there was no trace of any residual anger from his performance. He was immediately surrounded by adoring and relieved fans congratulating him, kissing his ring as he smiled ear-to ear, benevolently basking in the glory.
Biden delivered what they needed to hear.
And you can bet the FOX NEWS pundits will try to paint him as an unhinged semi-madman who spouted nothing but hate and viciousness the entire time he was on.
Not true. It won’t fly. He was completely in control, and they know it in their hearts. They are scared.
By Tommy Acosta, Publisher
The worse state of the union I have ever heard. The bar was so low and it did not move at all. A bunch of geriatrics cheering and smiling. Pathetic. Looked more like a Del Web Sun City. They all proved last night that politicians are actors who are too ugly for TV. God help our Nation!!!!!
You forgot the other half of the audience Barbara- A Bunch of Geriatric GOP Southern Klansman sitting with scorn upon their faces, scorn because although Biden stuttered and stammered he spoke truth to power and that is something the Fourth Reich only tolerates from their lying conspiracy loving furher who struggles to speak English in a Bigly way.
Wasn’t a great speech and he should have slammed all those treason loving insurrectionist way way harder with truth about their anti American and Anti Democracy agendas under the Orangest Bigliest Idiot ever! Mark Milley did this when the INSURRECTIONIST attempted to blame him for January 6th and he shoved it right back down their NOTsee throats by stating,”I want to know what caused the Capitol to be stormed by Trump supporters on January 6th” when pencil neck pretty boy makeup wearing rapist Matt Gaetz who like Dump never served his country attempted to play tough guy with a REAL TOUGH GUY Special Forces Combat Veteran that actually has integrity and intelligence. And I would have definitely gone after Run Forest Run Hawley, Ball Grabbing Boebert and I would have most definitely turned the table of Marjorie MAGGOT Greene by asking her to say the names of all of the school children killed by M’erican Manufactured Gun Violence after stating the name of a single tragic victim of migrant violence which pales Bigly in comparison to the violence M’erican’s create nationally on a daily damned basis!
I’d still take a stutter and stammer over a thug Draft Dodger Criminal Connie Loving Treasonous Insurrectionist Manchurian Candidate like ill Douchebag any day!
Don’t think AOC is geriatric btw.
When you respond please prove my assertions about Dumps-Draft Dodging, Misogynistic, Racist, Treasonous and Criminal Actions to include setting up a bogus non profit for veterans only to steal the money for himself to be wrong. And support it with links to accredited sources only. No self admitted News Parodies like OAN, RT, NewsMax, Brain Wars, Fox etc. They have admitted in a court of law to be fake news parodies.
If you cannot counter my well documented arguments with accredited sources you have nothing so expect more of the same from me in response if you dare snipe me with stupid shit like “Hillbilly”! Marjorie Insurrectionist Green is a “Hillbilly” through and through! I’m from the Midwest which is North of the Mason Dixon Line where English is spoken.
There are several medications out there for TDS.
Im in love with the current economy. I found a new job with good pay in October. They didnt give me what was promised. I found anither job in January after looking only 2 weeks. I had multiple interviews and 4 offers. The economy is strong, despite the fact we have wars. I will go Biden again.
Absolutely ! Biden is truly despicable.
Yeah cuz he wants Democracy to survive being DUMPed on by the Putin Loving Draft Dodging Insurrectionist Indicted 91 times, twice Impeached Criminal Moron? Yep absolutely despicable! Maybe even DEPLORABLE
“President Joe Biden was on fire. Whether it was adrenaline or some exotic new drug only the very rich and powerful have access to”
Tommy I saw zero evidence of drug use that I as a former cop have been trained to identify through speech, motion, eye movement etc. Dump and Dump Jr. aka Mr Suffleuphisass very very apparently do use at least cocaine and adderall sniff sniff, slurr slurr while on Epstein Island partying with Billy Clinstone just like Hunter Biden has admitted to doing in the past. And as the screaming crackhead Gilfoyle once shouted “the best is yet to come”! Hitler and his Nazi’s liked amphetamines just like CAPTAIN Runny Jackass dispensed like candy in the Dumpy Insurrectionist White House during his tenure as Criminal and Thief Chief!
LOL … Hunter must have supplied the Big Guy with some of his snort to wake him up for the State of the Campaign speech.
“I’m no fan of either of the candidates and am simply an observer observing how populations are manipulated by their political leaders“
I’m no fan of either either. However, unlike some who feel tha while our Democracy hangs in the balance that we should waste votes dabbling in third parties. The time for that has sailed and now we are stuck with two unpopular candidates but once again only one of them is a Draft Dodging Commie Loving Misogynist Treasonous Criminal Insurrectionist facing 91 felony counts and counting!
No disrespect but, if what I have been saying about the MAGA party and it’s fascist propagandist agenda succeeds and our Democracy becomes an Authoritarian Dictatorship will you still just be an observer or will you speak truth to power?
Wonder what NOTsee Dump is plotting with NOTsee Orban? Thwarting NATO Aid to Ukraine on behalf of Putanna perhaps?
Putanna means whore in Italian for your super educated Uber alas MAGA readers!
LOL … you know there are several TDS meds out there for your treatment !
When are people going to wake up to the fact that they are basically sheep bleating to the whips of their masters? Probably never. Now we got national guard patrolling the subways in New York City. So afraid we are of the criminals running rampant that we are willing to give whatever freedoms we have left to the government. Soon they will take over Tic Too, Facebook, reels, all media the public can gather info and news from.This is 1984 all over again. The question I keep asking myself is when do they drop their benevolent masks and show us their true colors by imposing a policed state across America?
Hey Tommy, you are making a mockery of the American system of government.
Why do you have to be so cynical?
Did it ever occur to you that those who run for office do so because they care and want to make our world a better place by assuming positions of leadership?
Everyone has a sinister agenda in your book. You make fun of our leaders. You believe you are smarter than anyone when it comes to politics but all you really do is fling mud and throw stones.
Why don’t you show some cohones and run for office yourself? Acknowledge the commitment of those brave enough to lead and come down from your high and mighty political throne.
Anyone is smarter than Kim Jung Dump despite what he likes to tell everyone! He definitely uses the toilet too!
Biden, an angry old man “yelling get off my lawn” while inviting criminals, gangs and mental patients from every third world shithole on the planet.
When you have your cultural enriched “immigrant” standing in your living room in the middle of the night, or you are mandated to “voluntarily” host an immigrant family or two in your spare bedrooms, remember, you asked for this.
The feds are printing a trillion in debt every 3 months. Soon your money and you social security check will be worthless. You asked for this. You wanted a cheap housekeeper and gardiner.
If you invite the poor of the entire planet to the US, soon you will look like the third world. You already see the trash along the creek and highways, just like the place they came from.
You voted for this. May you get what you wanted good and hard.
“Biden, an angry old man “yelling get off my lawn” while inviting criminals, gangs and mental patients from every third world shithole on the planet.”
Hmm I don’t hear him talking about exacting vengeance on everyone and anyone who does not think as he does. Doesn’t deny election results if he clearly loses. Didn’t cause a treasonous insurrection, didn’t try to get his VP hung, doesn’t threaten judges or innocent court clerks, hasn’t slandered the military, veterans and our KIA/MIA and POWs, has not gone after the children of his political rival and he speaks English all very very much unlike the Orange ill Douchebag.
But he is angry that morons support the destruction of our democracy as am I because it is UN AMERICAN!
DHS flies 320,000 Illegal immigrant lawbreakers across the border.
Hard to believe? A freedom of information request gave the numbers. Think about this, they were picked up in their home countries and flown directly to US cities, at taxpayer expense. You paid for their airfare to break the law. Now they can’t legally work, so you, the taxpayer get to pay for their food and hotel. Of course they could add to diversity by living and begging on the street. Apartments are unaffordable, so you the taxpayer will pay for theirs.
Oh yea, they get free medical also. Remember that when you wait for hours in the emergency room. It’s not really free though, as YOU, the taxpayer pays. You don’t pay any taxes you say? Have you noticed food prices going up? That what happens when the government prints unlimited money.
Write Joe Biden and thank him for your new neighbors. Vote for Joe Biden in 2024 ! Joe believes no human is illegal. That’s noble, but not when you have to support them. The US has a shortage of reasonably priced housing, lets bring in 10,000,000 new illegal residents, That will help !
After you vote for Joe Biden, please offer to host an immigrant family or two. You need to do more than just vote. They ate the food you were planning on having for dinner??? Little Juan was hungry. Are you a bigot ???
I’ve had to wait 10-14 hours in ERs for urgent care here in M’erica where we pay through the nose for medication and treatment (unless you are Uber wealthy and your employees, customers and tax write offs pay for your healthcare).
I’ve taken injured fellow soldiers to ER’s in Germany and Italy who have social healthcare and never once had to wait one minute to get them seen.
Only reason anyone with a brain cell would be against social healthcare is either A) because they profit $ bigly off of their stocks and enjoy their top tier medical care paid for by others or B) they just believe what Rusher’s FOX, NewsMax, OAN, RT, Brain Wars and NO Truth whatsoever social and are fine with blindly ignorantly overpaying for their healthcare.
JB, from your statements above, it’s obvious you would like America to become a Socialist/Communist country. Instead of destroying the greatest Nation that has ever existed on the planet, I suggest you give up your citizenship (if you actually are one) and move to the Communist country of your choice. You need to open your eyes to the invasion that has been taking place since O’Biden was sworn in. Soon, we will have as many as 60,000 to 80,000 military aged Chinese in the country. Since you were in the military, tell us how many battalions of Chinese nationals have invaded our country. You need to get your head out of your arse because your view stinks.
You should try reading what I write before commenting on it! You are seriously Bigly bASS Ackwards! Maybe dyslexic a tiny bit because I am against Putin Loving Maggots not for them!
Also I served this nation for over 15 years 6 of which were in combat so why don’t you leave my country and go live with Steven Segal the other hairless misogynist draft dodging Putin lover!
And gee where are these Chinese Troops on M’erican soil? Take me to their leader! Maybe he’s hiding beneath the Bradshaw Ranch! 🛸
Must be hell being afraid of your fellow man just because one moron told you too!
Better hope Johnny Reb M’erican don’t surprise you and shoot up your favorite grocery store with you in it as happens on a nearly daily basis because your lot is too ignorant to understand anyone and everyone are capable of committing violence just like your fellow M’ericans do with firearms every couple of minutes here in M’erica-
While Margerine Trailer Trash Team Queen wants people to say one murder victims name she refuses to say the names of the hundreds of M’erican children killed and brutally maimed for life by M’erican gun violence and ignorance.
Put that in your stereoscope and enjoy!
On July 13th 2023, the Judiciary Committe’s Subcommittee on Immigration Integrity, Security and Enforcement [The Consequences of Criminal Aliens on U.S. Communities] reported that 33,000 Americans had been killed by murder and manslaughter at the hands of illegal aliens between 2010 and 2015, which begs the question, just how many are now dying at the hands of millions of the anonymous, unvetted illegal aliens Biden has welcomed, even ferried, into America. As reported by this committee, just two weeks prior to its meeting, an illegal alien was sentenced to life in prison for raping and impregnating a nine year old Ohio girl, who later went to Indiana to get an abortion.
Again with the hyperbolic bullshit Trump lies from Faux Mewes !
Post a link for your insane bullshit statistics that comes from anyone other than a Russian news source.
Here’s mine-
Watch out Mary! Brown people touch your food!
One migrants kills one person vs. one Jackass M’erican walking into a church, parade, music festival or school and killing everyone with a fully automatic weapon! Both horrific but I’d take my chances surviving the prior rather than the latter!
One less SWAMP Monster in the DC Dump SWAMP!
Anti M’erica Steven Himmler Bannon is next!
How will the 4th Reich survive? Oh my!
Saw your bullshit Jim Caveezal the Weasel film on human trafficking about the guy who was human trafficking while pretending to counter human trafficking and he was M’erican.
Before that he starred in Anti Semite Mel Gibson’s Passion of the Anti Semite that all you Jew hating but pro Israel Klan types loved!
But you believe every hysterical sky is falling trope about migrants your tiny brain can absorb from the Dump propaganda machine while ignoring the FACT that Dump, Putanna and Co. are actively eroding our Democracy on behalf of “Rusher” as the Orange Jackass lovingly refers to his handlers with lust in his eyes for Putanna!
Wow good thing Abortion was still legal huh?
Wonder what Orange Moron who has likely paid women to get abortions changed all of that?
Must be Migrant Crime like this I read about every day all day!
Hate to give you the facts, JB, but if you do some research, you will find that most of the mass murderers have been liberals. To make America safer, we need to make it illegal for Democrats to own guns.
PS Charlie Manson and Timothy McVeigh two of America’s most notorious killers were definitely definitely not liberals and neither am I! You ASSuMEd that because I have the mental clarity as a combat veteran not to surrender our Democracy to a Draft Dodging Commie loving Treasonist, Insurrectionist, Twice Impeached, 91 Felony Count Indicted, Misogynistic, Pussy Grabbing, Veteran & Soldier Hating, Putin Loving, Orange Moron.
Since I was 18 I voted straight ticket Republican then I woke up to their criminality and corruption beginning with Ronnie Rayguns Iran Contra where US Military weapons were stolen by Oliver North and his CIA scumbag friends from US Weapons Depots Overseas in Europe then sold to Iran (the Democrats may have given them $ but the GOP gave them US Military weapons) and then there was the Iran Iraq War where Ronnie Rayguns GOP CIA Director gave WMDs and untold billions in US Military Weapons to Saddam’s and the Ayatollah’s militaries so they would kill each other equally. Then that CIA Director’s Draft Dodging son W started a war upon Iraq in retaliation for 9/11 committed by Saudis and Yemeni’s by fictitiously claiming Saddam had US WMD’s he used on Iran and the Kurds and therefore was there was somehow a fictitious link between the 9/11 hijackers and Iraq. This led to the rise of ISIS which is NOT decimated and is active as I write this. But then the Orange jackass wiped them out after our troops had been fighting them for over 18 years prior to him occupying the White House huh?
And now we have Orange ill Douche who wants to use the military on US Citizens out of revenge for getting caught being a Treasonous Insurrectionist Criminal.
Seems logical to support him especially if you’ve served this country. What a shining example of a leader and warrior – If you believe that you’ve been staring at your Draft Dodger Stallone physique/Draft Dodger Dump Head trading card too long!
Such hyperbolic bullshit FOX News Propagandist Lies you speak without supporting it with any factual DHS statistics.
And speaking of statistics Americans are far far far more likely to be murdered (and most likely with a firearm) by a family member and or fellow M’erican.
I’ll post statistics on this next.
One young woman was brutally killed by a migrant who shouldn’t have ever been permitted into the US and you sycophant Trumpy want to start WWIII with South America over it, meanwhile hundreds of innocent M’erican school children get blown away by fellow M’ericans while at school or out in public and you become deaf mute zombies.
You too get what you vote for “and hard” (scary coming from Trumpies known for sexual violence especially against children) so if Dump gets anointed DICKtator and Thief again whatever happens to our country and democracy is on you dumbasses!
Democrats on immigration. Proudly consistant
Oh Jack you have a little something on your chin!
Now I know you morons don’t believe in facts but these are the facts:
Juan is the only reason you have food on your table and in your grocery stores. M’erican’s think it beneath themselves to harvest crops by hand or slaughter livestock so they pay below minimum wage to desperate migrants who are willing to actually work for a Buck. Doing jobs you’d never ever do!
One thing I love is liberals importing a slave class and thinking you are doing them a favor. Remember how long they let immigrants stay on Martha’s Vineyard? Oh yea, wasn’t it 24 hours? Liberals want them to do work you wouldn’t do for pay you wouldn’t accept and live and work in conditions you would find intolerable.
The above noted study says EACH illegal immigrant cost the US taxpayer $8776 annually.
Don’t try and think for yourself and hurt yourself JB, just believe Snopes and Of course Facebook and The Gates foundation , supporters of FactCheck have nothing but your best interests in mind. Hows that ” Safe and Effective Covid vaccine doing for you? Had your 5th booster?
BTW, I shoveled coal and petroleum coke for a job when I was young. My lungs show it. I’m a white guy, I’ll do whatever it takes.
JB, what’s your address? Juan and his family need a place to stay. There are also some unvetted young gentlemen from Haiti. Step up JB !!
Mike my address is Sedona USA and Juan is welcome anytime!
You’re brain dead so I won’t bother even attempting to get through to you.
Had all of my vaccines because it was the American thing to do in order to protect my fellow citizens who were dying by the thousands daily. What did you do for your fellow American other than create bullshit lies and chaos during a global pandemic!
You lack any sense of normalcy or logic!
Jan 6th and the Holocaust never happened huh
I love Dumpy jackasses who quote Rusher TV and Parrot the Orange Drooliass with more lies, alternative facts and conspiracy theory than the National Enquirer and no wonder cause the Orange Simpleton used to publish bullshit, lies and conspiracy in that very rag!
Go Wolfboy!
“BTW, I shoveled coal and petroleum coke for a job when I was young. My lungs show it. I’m a white guy, I’ll do whatever it takes.“
Uh huh and how much did you get paid hourly compared to anyone of color doing the same job?
I was paid exactly the same as the “person of color” , then known as a black man working along side me. We both walked out of the tunnel the same color, black.
You have to be a little more specific on your address. I’ll pass it on. The town is not enough.
So being equals you clearly realize the hysteria over the brown menace to be complete hysterical bullshit huh?
I’ve told others trying to pick me up and now I’ll tell you I’m not your type so you don’t get my specific address. Try asking the negative figure billionaire for his as he is more your greezy type! Warning he’s a bigly greedy bottom! He only takes butt never gives unless it’s to Putin, Un, Orban or Xi!
I did my service to this country and then some unlike the orange Treasonous Insurrectionist Draft Dodger!
And I did it with Juan and people of all races, colors, creed and religions by my side!
That’s what makes our military a force to be reckoned with not some bullshit Mercian white man first agenda racist bullshit like you believe in!
You have dinner with Juan I already have!
First Barracks mate I lived with for a year and a half was named Jose Garcia, my Squad Leader was Italian, Platoon Sergeant Puerto Rican, First Sergeant Bosnian, Command Sergeant Major South African, Company Commander Guamanian, Unit Interrupter Russian and every unit in every branch of service is the same or similar in composition. They are true PATRIOTS and true M’erican’s who actually serve their country unlike 8 deferment Draft Dodger Dump!
US COMBAT VETERANS against Draft Dodging Treasonous Insurrectionist Commie Loving Orange Dumbass and MAGA dolts!
What TRUE Patriotism is all about!
See it’s all hyperbolic bullshit-
But it makes for good MAGGOT TV Mega Drama over bullshit exaggeration and lies huh?
The GOP had an opportunity to fix the border but ill Douchebag squashed it to get election points for sticking his YUGE Civillian arse into Congressional decisions. They must love being berated and having their families and selves disparaged by a Manchurian Candidate. Just ask Marco Rubio, Bitch McConnell, Ted Crux and the rest of his rectal dingleberry munchers!
He sure luvs him some Putanna, Un, Xi and Orban though! GO Commies!!!!
If you think letting 5000 illegals in, which the “border bill did” plus spending billions on Ukraine and other stuff was a “border fix”, only someone off their meds would make that statement.
But Biden would rather wine about not getting billions of dollars (that we don’t have) and blaming the Republicans for what he caused. Unbelievable, and unfortunately people’s memories must be too short to remember.
The border fix is easy, reinstate all the executive orders you signed on the first Day Biden cancelling all Trump’s standing policies – and the problem is reduced to a what it was before you took the office of President. And stop sending Biden T Shirts to illegals coming across the border.
The fix is easy, but then you would have to admit that Trump had a pretty good system going, and would have completed the wall if the funds were not blocked consistently over his 4 year term by Democrats. Biden abondendonded $10s of millions of border wall material stacked in the desert. Still there.
Not surprising since he left $85 Billion in military equipment in Afghanistan and cause the death of 13 Americans becasue he did not listen to his generals and adondended the largest US air base in the region, just as China is stepping up activities in the region. Of course he’s never been right on foreign policy going back to his senate days.
Hell, just put Obama’s policies back in place, even though he’s probably running the show anyway.
Good thing Biden had a Teleprompter last Thursday, every interview or campaign “rally” he’s had since has be chocked full of incoherent blunders.
Cities overrun by illegals, Chicago black voters turning to Trump as their city gets destroyed, over 350,00 illegal immigrants flown into the country to various cities over the last 12 months, recently uncovered, and DHS refused a FOIA request citing “National Security”, and they use a frigging APP to get it done. That’s DHS insanity. Mayorkas is a traitor, and should be in jail.
There were already 10.2 Illegal Aliens in the US, that has DOUBLED under Biden to over 20 million. And if the citizens of this country don’t see what this is doing to our social services, schools, health care, budgets, crime, especially Soros funded AGs, then you just aint awake. And deserve what you vote for.
And if anyone enjoyed being yelled at for however long that travisity was last Thursday, there are meds for that.
Wonder why you can’t get into an ER? 8% of the population is illegal – that’s where they go for medical care.
Stolen election? The Judicial Watch Lawsuits, since 2020, primarily in the swing states that Trump lost—pretty much after the elections was over, had right at 4 MILLION voters that should not have been on the voter rolls, that were mailed ballots. 189,00 in PA alone. That is just public fact, and the states and counties that had the problem must now report to Judicial Watch over the next 5 to 6 years their process of keeping the roles clean.
Remember – 40% of the population MOVES every 4 years. That’s why ALL western European countries have banned mail in ballots, including the UK. Want to vote? Show up, have ID, like it used to be here. And there is still an absentee program, but you must go through the process. So, election stolen? The margin was a lot smaller than 4 million. Think this is just BS? The court records are public.
Just a thought here – Did any of you happen to see the video composed of line by line clips of the last three years of Biden’s so-called State of the Union Speech? Line by line – word by word – the same – 2021–2022–2023 – only the clothing of all differed by year. Insightful!!!
Maybe that is the point we were supposed to get – instead of jumping into the stale name-calling and bickering back and forth that continually mis-directs attention. Again … just a thought !!!
your idea would be grand if we lived in a civil society but since we have a DICKtator Wannabe who uses every dirty name and trick in the book trying to get crowned for life as ill Douche so the gloves are off in an effort to save our Democracy. They deserve to get what they give and then some!
They’re going to have to silence millions of M’ericans to succeed in their plot to destroy our Democracy and create an Autocracy with a moron at the helm! I was trained to respect my enemies but this enemy respects only who they choose too so no respect for them is ever going to part my lips!
And I know they feel the same about me because I care for my fellow human (which NOTsees do not qualify as) and want to see the Democracy I served this country for survive!
They want everything and don’t want to share anything! They will end up with NOTHING!
Well golly gee willickers why oh why would a Treasonous Insurrectionist be saying such ignorance? It’s gonna be a blood bath either way because should he lose he will call upon his Russian Puppet MAGGOT Minions to incite violence as he has done hundreds of times. And if he should actually honestly win for once he has already made it clear his term will be like NOTsee Germany with full on vengeance campaigns, mass deportations, mass incarcerations and very highly highly likely POW Camps where dissidents will be held like they are in his buddy Putanna’s Rusher where they will face brainwashing, torture, forced labor and or executions like he called upon his MAGGOTs to do to a sitting VP, Speaker of the House and untold others!
Good Luck M’erica you’re gonna need it and then some!