By Gerard C. Savage

Andrew Cuomo should run for President of the United States. Why you may ask? The answer is very obvious. He is simply the most intelligent of all the democratic candidates. He is the most powerful and concise speaker of all the candidates and has the personality to make Americans feel secure and safe.
But before I go on with this endorsement, let me get a few serious matters out of the way. Let us talk about his resignation which was rooted in allegations of sexual harassment promulgated by New York’s Attorney General Letitia James. First of all, and needless to say, New York politics is very dirty.
This is its reputation.
Putting conspiracy stories aside, the fact is no criminal charges were ever filed against Andrew Cuomo. Some of the allegations and source of allegations were very questionable. On the civil side, that is, with respect to claims of sexual harassment, Cuomo should take the position that Courts should resolve allegations because public discussion has been nothing short of a circus of hypocrisy led by people with very dirty hands throwing mud.
Everybody has a right to a dispassionate Judge and a trial based on facts.
Joe Biden and Bill Clinton make Cuomo look like a Church Deacon. In any event, Cuomo knows what to do to manage dirt and fair criticism. I believe he will be in good form to do what he has to do in a sea of piranhas.
Now let’s look at the democratic candidates. Joe Biden will not get the nomination. His cognitive abilities are impaired. It does not matter what he says. The country is literally falling apart. And by the time the Republicans parade documents, witnesses and other evidence regarding the Biden Family and “pay to play” allegations, the “Big Guy” will be lucky if he gets his pension … not that he needs it. So, Joe Biden is out.
Kamala Harris? Kamala Harris will speak for herself and that will result in voters, once again, rejecting her.
Pete Buttogieg, for all his exposure to national publicity, is amazingly unremarkable, although he shines barely enough to make the Vice President list. He is from Indiana with 11 electoral college votes.
America is sick of the other candidates like Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Cory Booker and the others.
The only person who could give Cuomo a run for his money is Michelle Obama. But President Obama told Rolling Stone that the popular First Lady would never run for political office, but that was a question regarding the 2020 elections. Still, Illinois has 20 electoral college votes.
Imagine the presidential debates. No matter who is on stage Cuomo will undoubtedly emerge as the confident executive leader, the best orator, and the person with the best ideas.
It has been said that Cuomo is fiscally conservative but liberal on social issues. The national debt is now over $22.72 trillion dollars. Many, if not most, economists state that inflation is directly caused by overspending, especially when government just keeps printing money to pay for programs, both good and bad. Cuomo has a great record of getting a budget under control.
If you are for gun control, Cuomo has passed extraordinary legislation in New York, resulting in his designation as an enemy of the gun and rifle lobby. He passed the Marriage Equality Act and codified Roe v. Wade in New York State.
Cuomo’s greatest support has been from the African-American community. He implemented an Executive Order establishing a Special Prosecutor to respond to rogue police officers and he has made college education accessible to the working poor and the dwindling middle class.
Cuomo made these and other historic achievements in spite of the fact that the Republicans controlled the New York Senate during most of his tenure.
The point is, Cuomo is the only candidate that was the executive in charge. And he was in charge of a state budget that was greater than many other countries in the world.
In sum and substance, the evidence is very clear. No other democratic candidate is ready for the job like Cuomo.
He has travelled the world and is exceptionally intelligent about foreign affairs. He is a natural commander in chief of the military and does not talk out of his ass like other candidates.
Today, the United States is sending billions of dollars every year to fuel the war between the Russians and the Ukrainians. This war must end. Millions of Ukrainians have lost their homes. Over half a million people have reportedly been killed in one year. Cities all over Ukraine have been burnt to the ground. It is a sinful and evil situation. The only people who profit are the arms dealers. The war must end. Cuomo is the right man to negotiate an end to the war.
America has no borders. Democratic mayors are demanding billions of dollars to provide housing, medical services, education and employment for millions of illegal aliens that Biden and Harris completely mishandled. The property tax payers will foot the bill. Cuomo can fix this problem and bring order to chaos.
Cuomo is conservative on violent crimes and liberal on non-violent crimes and adolescents. In New York, he supported drug courts and ensured that most teenagers charged with crimes preferably were sent to Family Court where they could get supervision tailored to their immaturity and inexperience.
Cuomo has a reputation for getting things done in New York. Sure, he is not perfect. But he is light years ahead of any other candidate. He has upgraded JFK Airport, LaGuardia Airport, Penn Train Station and the Javits Convention Center. He has built new bridges in Queens County and Westchester County. He has supported advancements in technology and worked to expand cell towers to the outer rural parts of New York State
I learned in High School that in the United States, you are innocent until proven guilty. Voters will embrace this basic American constitutional right before they listen to the mob that screams and yells and passes judgment without knowing all the facts. I think Cuomo should be extended this presumption, until proven guilty.
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Well put.
Yes yes yes!!!!!
Excellent article and I agree wholeheartedly. I am an avid supporter of Andrew Cuomo and have been since COVID. As.a member of several of his support groups, I have followed him closely ever since. We really need his leadership and management skills. I thank Biden for his service, but we need Andrew Cuomo for our next president.
I agree with your sentiments. I was very impressed with Cuomo’s “presidential” demeanor in front of the cameras during the height of covid. Truth be told, he looked exponentially more like the president than the (then) president himself. I’m sure everyone with eyes saw the same thing– including Trump; Cuomo’s got charisma. For this reason & more i truly believe, to this day, that Trump had something to do with those women and their allegations. No, i’m not stupid enough to think Cuomo doesn’t love the women. i’m just sayin’ i think someone else was behind their steppin’ forward. That’s all.
Gavin Newsome? He seems to be running already.
I watched his press conferences every day during the lock down and he got me through. My concern would be the nursing home fiasco. ????♀️ other than that, I would vote for him in a NY minute.
I agree wholeheartedly. I have been an avid supporter of Andrew Cuomo since his daily briefings during COVID. He has a wonderful way of speaking directly to everyone in his audience. Since then I have joined several of his support groups and have followed him closely. He is a great orator, manager, and problem solver. He doesn’t just promise results, he gets things done. I appreciate Joe Biden’s work during his term in office, but Andrew Cuomo should be the next president of our country.
I truly believe the dems were scared of his power and building loyal base so they had to take someone who would not be a “yes” man EVER out. I still believe they will never allow him in power. Sadly we dems don’t have a powerful option.
Andrew Cuomo would always be my first choice for President!
Thank you for stating the facts and thank you for the restraint you used to avoid the temptation of joining in on the negative chorus to defame the name of New York’s desired Governor. But it is important that we do not promote him as a competitor for the Democratic nomination especially since 2022 has not come to an end yet. The fear and disrespect-fullness in high ranking political places is very present. People are still shaking due to his potential. Many intimidated but powerful people had much to do with the dangers that faced him. Thank you so much for your words. They were a treat to read. Yet I am not sure if he is as safe as he should be before being touted as a Candidate for President again. Why don’t you accept my invitation to come join us over at Friends of Andrew Mark Cuomo and the People Who Support him on Meta Platform in the meantime. There you can hear how safe he is as with a community that supports him. Your status as a professional writer will not matter much over there. Most of the writers that cover him have a presence in that group. Plus an actual male voice would be highly appreciated by the administrators as well, by the way. I will not delete my words. I hope they found you well. Happy New Year
Andrew Cuomo HAS my vote!!!! ????????????
I hope he becomes President of the USA. He has my vote.
I agree. Andrew Cuomo is a leader. He loves serving the people. He’s a man of action combined with common sense. Not only promises but he actually gets things done.
We are thankful for Biden but I think the country is ready for a new leader like Andrew Cuomo.
In God Will! He is the son of America expected to come back to enlighten this country!
I believe NY dems became concerned of his growing voice and base. He would never bow to anyone’s pressure. That was an issue. So he needed to be eliminated. I don’t believe they will allow his return. Sadly our dem party does not give us strong choices to vote for.
Cuomo not only disgraced himself with his behavior with women and covering up Covid deaths, but in his final hours in office pushed his hand-picked Parole Board to free terrorist David Gilbert, convicted of killing two police and a Brinks guard.
In 2019, he also succeeded in freeing Gilbert’s
coconspirator Judith Clark.
Yea he should run so he can be put down for good once and for all. Very RFK except Biden isn’t LBJ.
AC is the most qualified to be the next president. Not only he is result’s oriented and
has demonstrated that by all the work he did for NY . He is also a first class negotiator, he was able to pass marriage equality even though there was a Republican senate in NY State
Absolutely correct. In this country you’re innocent until proven guilty. And is shameful the way was use the SH card for this case. Shameful for myself as a women in the corporate world. He’s a politician who cares and whatever you like him or not for his political views he is a true leader.
Andrew Cuomo would definitely have my vote and the vote of many of my friends who depended on his encouraging words during Covid for example, and his on point decision making regarding upgrading or installing new infrastructure initiatives in New York State that were much needed.
I’ve always liked Andrew Cuomo long before COVID-19, but he would probably drop out before the primaries. He has too much baggage.
I agree wholeheartedly with this article. He can be an effective leader.
LOL … with the second most intelligent member of the Democrat Party being Dementia Joe … Cuomo must appreciate this extremely low bar to garner such a compliment ! But there can be no doubt that his criminal corruption outshines most Democrats … even again Dementia Joe !!
Agree 100%! Cuomo was outstanding of course during covid and his briefings were outstanding and watched by people but just in NY or the US but throughout the world! Cuomo got many legislative victories with many popular initiatives such as marriage equality, 15 dollar min wage, gun reform, family medical leave etc. rebuilt many city structures theta were falling apart and his crisis management during storms was second to none. He is the best man for the job, hands down agreed!
Yes please Cuomo for President 2024
He was outstanding for his performance during covid
FOR THE LOVE OF GOD PLEASE NO! He destroyed NY! I just pray that whoever runs for the democrats we don’t see them!
Ok Joe…..Tell us what he destroyed? Love comments like this as your opinion. Not a link, not a word, just opinion.
So here is your opportunity to show us haw bad and in shambles NY state is….I will wait.
He did not destroy as much as Dementia Joe has !
Cuomo for President would be the VERY BEST result of the next election. He has the gift of LEADERSHIP with capital letters, which we witnessed during the pandemic, when his leadership helped New Yorkers remain calm, regain their fear and get vaccinated. Just watching him on his morning talks made us feel safer. His quality of leadership is beyond comparison.
Interesting you invoke the names of Clinton and Biden and completely skipped a two-term President Obama.
Speaking of Obama, why did you not consider Michelle Obama? Or bring up and other woman?
Men seem to have largely been running the world from the beginning of history. How’s that worked out so far?
Perhaps if you expand your scope beyond those you seem to identify with, you may find many women who would not only qualify but excel as Commander In Chief.
I am from New Jersey! You bet Cuomo would be a great historic President! He’s got my support for sure. Who else can do the job in the Democratic Party today? Tracy
Not a Cuomo fan; but Savage is right. Cuomo was the #1 Dem prospect – and then “But SHE said;” and he was off the list. Must a male be a Butt..gig to be eligible now?
This isn’t the same guy who ordered Covid patients back into nursing and retirement homes is it?
The same guy who shut down energy production in the State of New York?