Sedona AZ (December 1, 2016) – Joyful News! Noel had been found and reunited with her moms, her furry companion Bear and the additional 4 canines and 4 felines that make up their family as they are back home in Phoenix relaxing.
The long desperate search for Noel that originally took place in the Dry Creek area of West Sedona on November 5, occurred when housekeeping entered the room of a hotel they had been staying at and Noel’s owner came back to find the hotel door wide open and Noel gone.
Generally, most lost dogs stay in the same area in which they originally disappear from as Noel had done the same but recently something caused Noel to move further away from the area she was lost from. As she was often spotted several times over the past few weeks in the Dry Creek Area.
This community came together to rescue Noel.
Mitzie Christian founder of the Central Arizona Animal Search and Rescue (CAASR) and her dedicated volunteers had been working from the beginning with one of the owners of Noel, Danita Leonard. Donna and Danita refused to give up and go home without Noel. Their dedication and commitment resonated with many animal lovers.
A local couple Linda and Alan Brecher offered Danita and Bear a place to stay for the duration, prior to that the Sedona Real Inn assisted with lodging.
Many local residents volunteered and searched for Noel driving the neighborhoods and helping Danita post flyers and spread the word as Leann Weber a long time resident of our community was often assisting Danita who worked day and night searching.
Many homeowners allowed for their property to be used for trying to trap Noel and as a place to barbeque using the sense of smell to draw Noel close to them to successfully trap.
Stephanie Maciel a local business owner donated flyers that were instrumental in raising awareness of the situation.
On Sunday, November 27 a new sighting of Noel came in from a local, female resident in the area she reported seeing Noel over by the Harkins Theatre and again later that night off of Sunset Drive.
On Monday, Bark and Purr later placed a call to Danita they spotted Noel as she was up on the ridge behind their building. Danita was lucky enough to spot Noel at that point, calling her name, trying to coax Noel to come to her.
When fear based dogs are often lost they go into a survival mode and combined with not sleeping and eating properly they can often act somewhat feral. Even with their owner and people they normally know. Trapping Noel was the only solution for her to be safely rescued.
CAASR once again helped Danita set the trap this time the Executive Director Austin Gates of the Humane Society of Sedona set an additional trap nearby as a backup. The plan worked it was a success and Noel had been trapped on Tuesday morning at 5:30 am Danita received the phone call.
A team of volunteers gathered and transported Noel in the trap to a garage where the reuniting could be done properly so Noel could not run off as she was still in survival mode and confused. Cynthia Bishop Weisbaum a volunteer of CAASR orchestrated the safe reunion perfectly.
Noel was later examined by Dr. Brown of Sedona Animal Clinic, they did blood work, administered fluids, vaccinations and flea and tick medication was all done for free. Maria who works at the Sedona Animal Clinic was extremely instrumental in collaborating so much of this community behind the scenes from the beginning.
Red Rose Inspiration For Animals volunteers Barbara and Lori had been performing reiki on Noel and animal communication sessions several days before she was trapped helping to clear fear based emotions and other volunteers helped search for Noel and assist in the reunion.
It truly took a village and this community came together to rescue Noel. Donna and Danita would like to express a heartfelt thank you to everyone who made this possible as they feel they made some great friends along the way and are looking forward to a celebration gathering as a way to thank everyone for the safe return of Noel.
Wow, over 3 weeks. YAY Sedona.
An amazing story. Seeing Denita leave our casita before dawn and returning in the dark night without Noel was heartbreaking but a story of true love and giving up everything to find her companion.