Clarkdale AZ (September 13, 2019) – The Clarkdale Historical Society and Museum, in partnership with Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at Yavapai College, is pleased to present an Arizona Humanities Foundation – AZ Speaks community education event on Tuesday, October 1, 2019, titled “Ancient Southwestern Native American Pottery”. Award winning Archaeologist, Allen Dart will discuss and show examples of Native American ceramic styles that characterized specific peoples and eras of the U.S. Southwest. Dart will also discuss how archaeologists use pottery for dating archaeological sites and interpreting ancient life-ways. Illustrations include samples of pottery types made from about 2,000-500 years ago. Dart is the recipient of numerous awards including the Arizona Archaeological Society’s Professional Archaeologist of the Year Award for his efforts to bring archaeology and history to the public. He is the founder of Tucson’s Old Pueblo Archaeology Center.
The program will be held at 2:00pm in building M, room 137 at the Verde Valley campus of Yavapai College located at 601 Black Hills Drive in Clarkdale. There is no admission fee to attend.
AZ Speaks is the longest-running and most popular program of Arizona Humanities who makes this program possible through a grant program. AZ Humanities is a statewide 501(c)3 non-profit organization and the Arizona affiliate of the National Endowment for the Humanities. AZH supports public programs that promote understanding of the human experience across Arizona. CHSM is also a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that promotes adult learning opportunities. It has applied for and received two AZH grants for two presentations each year in 2019 and 2020 at Yavapai College.
In addition to Dart’s presentation, the museum will host a display of photographs depicting artifacts from the Tuzigoot “dig” as Clarkdale was the repository for artifacts that were uncovered and brought to one of Clarkdale’s historic buildings for cleaning, sorting and identification. Tuzigoot National Monument will also host a display of their pottery artifacts which are part of Clarkdale’s history. Both organizations thank Mr. Dart for this opportunity.
For further information, contact the Clarkdale Historical Society at 928-649-1198, or Osher Lifelong Learning Institute Verde Valley Campus at 928-649-5550,