By Tommy Acosta
Sedona AZ (September 22, 2021) – The first thought that came to me when watching the second tower go down on 911 was “Those who profit from destruction and mayhem, now have their perfect excuse to go to war.”
I felt terrible for the thousands who lost their lives in the rubble but even sadder for the tens of thousands who would lose their lives, homes, and livelihoods in the coming Mideast wars.
Sure enough, shortly afterwards we went into Afghanistan to kill or capture those we believed were responsible for the take down of the towers and a three years later went to war in Iraq to oust a dictator said to have had weapons of mass destruction in his country.
Billions were spent in things that go “boom” and we tried to create a country in our own image. It took 20 years to learn we just can’t change the culture of any country to fit our own.
Bu even more disturbing to me, after we learned more about the bombings of the Twin Towers, was the incomprehensible failure of our intelligence community in stopping the Pentagon attack.
The bombing of the Pentagon occurred almost an hour after the first plane hit its target. First building was hit at 8:46 a.m. When the second plane hit a few minutes later, our government knew for sure it was an attack. Pentagon was hit 9:37 a.m. Where were the jet fighters that should have been protecting the Pentagon?
With all that time in between the bombings our formidable air force could not stop a lumbering jet from piercing the citadel of our defenses. That’s ludicrous.
For heaven’s sake, that area of the country has the most protected airspace in the known universe, yet, we let that jet pass right on through and into the Pentagon, with nary a peep from us or our defenses.
It does not make any sense at all. It’s like we laid down a red carpet for that plane to pass through and directly into the Pentagon, if it even was a plane and not a cruise missile. There are no camera shots of it even though there are cameras covering every square inch of the surrounding area.
And if you measure the hole in the Pentagon wall it’s maybe 40 feet wide. We are supposed to believe a giant jet fit through that hole and burned to ashes, including its massive jet engines, inside the building?
Bah. We will never know the truth.
But our ritual yearly 911 abolition is now over and it’s back to Covid19, its variants and forced vaccinations.
Can’t wait to see what happens next.