By Dr. Marta Adelsman
Verde Valley AZ (November 2, 2012) – I have always thought I had a high forehead. Whenever the wind blows my hair back, I feel embarrassed, and I quickly smooth my hair down over my forehead.
Somewhere in my background, I developed an opinion of high foreheads, at least of my high forehead. My mind convinced me that it just didn’t measure up to the fashion magazines’ images of beauty.
I don’t know a single woman who doesn’t feel disdain or shame or embarrassment about some part of her body. (I bet you guys suffer from this, too.) We buy into the lie that our appearance doesn’t measure up if we deviate from some imagined standard.
Physical appearance represents only a small part of beauty or handsomeness. Haven’t you ever been in the presence of a person whom fashion magazines would reject, yet who drew people by some invisible presence? Something glowed from inside, and you just loved being around him or her.
Every time you send your body a critical thought or speak negatively about it, you decrease your overall energy. Your cells take on the imprint of your thoughts or your words because your thoughts and words pack that much power.
You can begin right now to reprogram your image of your body and shift the messages you send it. Start by vowing never again to send your body another negative message. Then practice the following exercise twice a day for the next ninety days.
Stand in front of a mirror. Begin at the top of your head and work downward. Look at each part of your body and thank it for serving you. Let it know that you fully accept it and cherish it. Allow yourself to feel appreciation for each part and for all it does for you.
If you feel silly, persevere and complete the exercise anyway. Feelings of embarrassment will eventually drop away and gratitude will replace them.
Every time you revert to critical thoughts about how you look, remember your vow. Ask your body’s forgiveness, and forgive yourself for falling back into your self-critical pattern.
Watch for changes. You may find that you walk into a room without hunching to hide yourself. Or perhaps you begin to make different choices about what you eat and what you wear. You may notice that your energy level increases.
Your self-acceptance will communicate that inner glow that you have so admired in others. They will want to be in your presence because you like to be in your presence.
You will be that person whom you so admire.
Dr. Marta is available for individual and couples coaching. Write her at or call 928-451-9482.