Free Workshop About Sexual Harassment and Assault
Camp Verde AZ (June 2, 2018) – The Verde Valley Sanctuary will be hosting a free workshop to discuss the issue of sexual harassment and sexual assault. Participants will receive practical advice on how to stay safe and handle a variety of scenarios where harassment and assault commonly occurs. The free two-and-a-half-hour workshop will be held on Monday, June 11th from 4 pm – 6:30 pm at Camp Verde Community Library, 130 Black Bridge Loop Road, Camp Verde. Register On-line at
“The Me-Too Movement has brought the prevalence of sexual harassment and assault into the daily conversations of our nation and our community. 66% of reported unwanted sexual encounters are perpetrated by someone the victim knows such as a current or former intimate partner, a family member, a person of authority or an acquaintance*,” states Jennifer Perry, Development Director for the Verde Valley Sanctuary. “It isn’t just happening on the news, it is happening all across the Verde Valley. The Verde Valley Sanctuary is dedicated to stopping family violence, exploitation and sexual assault in our community. We want to empower our residents with the knowledge and tools to handle these uncomfortable and often complex situations, so that they can stop before anyone gets hurt.”
The free workshop is open to men, women and teenagers. Participants will learn the following:
- How to protect oneself from physical and psychological harassment. Practical tips for dealing with situations at school, work, and personal relationships.
- The reality about the prevalence of sexual assault here in the Verde Valley.
- What you need to know about the law, proper documentation, and when to get the police involved
- Basic Self Defense
Presenters Include:
Lisa Davis, Outreach Director – Verde Valley Sanctuary
Jack Van Wye, Victim Advocate Volunteer- Cottonwood Police Department
Laura J. Hamblin, JD, SPHR, SHRM, SCP – Employment Law & H.R. Consulting
Master Karen Conover, KC’s Family Tae Kwon Do
Register On-line:
The Verde Valley Sanctuary is a non-profit 501c3 organization that is dedicated to stopping family violence, exploitation and sexual assault in our community.
Free Community Services include:
- Emergency shelter
- 24-hour crisis hotline
- Transitional housing
- Community and youth outreach
- Legal advocacy
The Verde Valley Sanctuary is the only shelter and domestic violence service agency in the Verde Valley, all programs and services are provided completely free of charge. The Emergency Shelter has approximately 28 beds. Each month 25 people receive free legal advocacy services and assistance with transitional housing. In addition to the shelter, 24-hour hotline and counseling services, the Sanctuary has a robust education and prevention program with dedicated employees working in the schools through the Youth Empowerment Program.
Funding for the Verde Valley Sanctuary Services comes from public and private grants, revenue from the Twice Nice store on 89A in Sedona, the Twice Nice Thriftique in Cottonwood and the generosity of private donors and businesses.
To learn more about the workshop or how you can support the important work of the Verde Valley Sanctuary please contact, Jennifer Perry at or call (928) 282-2755.
*Source: The National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey, 2012