By Tommy Acosta
(December 2, 2020)
What happened? What the hell happened?

One minute we are out there living life, going to movies, enjoying our sports, mingling with friends, eating out at our favorite restaurants, free to come and go as we please and the next we are locked in our homes, barred form concerts or seeing our favorite teams play, barred from our favorite bars, forced to stand like sheep in rows, forced to wear masks that dehumanize us, not allowed to have parties in our homes. Not allowed to go to church or libraries or movies or weddings.
No proms. No high school sports.
If someone had told us a year ago that this is where we would be today, we would have never believed them. We would have thought they were crazy. Well, if that’s crazy then this is insane.
We can’t even have funerals for our deceased for heaven’s sake.
What the heck happened? And in so short a time.
We sit glued to our TV sets being bombarded every day by this new normal of riots, protests and reports of how many people got infected or died today from a virus many say can wipe the species out if we don’t isolate and masks ourselves, while others say it’s no where near as bad as we are being told.
Divided we all are now between those who believe the virus is a plaque that can kill at any moment and those who don’t believe a dang thing the authorities are saying about it.
Households are being torn apart by the anger rising between those who identify them selves as Democrats or Republicans.
People are shooting each other because they believe one way or the other and are out there shouting that belief in each other’s faces.
Hate consumes even the meekest of us. Lines are being drawn in the sand.
Sorrow and grief and fear grip so many right now. You can’t even accompany a loved one admitted into the hospital because of the Covid19 restrictions.
Loved ones are dying lonely and alone, with tubes dug deep into their lungs.
And then there is the weather going rogue. Fires and floods are destroying lives and dreams. Is there an end to this chaos and sorrow?
Suicides are up. Parents losing their jobs can’t feed their children. Family businesses that took decades to build disintegrate in a puff of smoke.
Like a run away train barreling down a broken track heading towards oblivion, our lives are taken.
And it just keeps getting worse.
So what choice do we have? Do we hide at home and live the life of a crab, locked in from the chaos and Black Death waiting outside?
Our children…our poor children… they can’t even play outside with friends. They can only relate through computer screens. With no exercise these children will grow to become puffballs, unable to compete with children from other countries where they are allowed to play and run and jump and exert energy.
And what happens to the sense of adventure, the questioning spirit as they become even more docile and obedient to every order society gives.
And if they can’t go to school, they have to learn on their own at home while they parents struggle to find employment.
Intellectually, academically, America’s children will fall behind their global counterparts in communist countries that seem to be thriving despite the Covid19 infected atmosphere.
What happened to the Baby Boomers who once fought against profit-motivated war? Who questioned authorities and thought for themselves? They too have become obedient sheep, bleating to the tune of the authorities that tell them what to do, how to act and how to live their lives in this coronavirus ridden world.
So what can we do? Do we acquiesce and do what we are told to do? Do we choose between those who say we must wear those masks until every human is vaccinated or those who believe it’s all a lie created to further control us? Do we throw all caution and fear to the wind, refuse vaccination and try to live our lives fear free and not caring who we infect along the way?
Here in Sedona we still see many walking around unmasked with not a care in the world, at peace in their certainty that this virus is no more dangerous to life than car accidents, cancer or heart disease.
We also see many obeying the mayor’s declaration that people must wear the mask or face a hefty fine.
Of course, there are those who believe the mask protects them and others from the dreaded disease. And just as many who see it no more dangerous than the seasonal flu that also kills the weak and vulnerable.
There is something odious in the air. It is fear. It is hate. It is confusion and chaos.
The stitching of the fabric by which society is clothed, is ripping at the seams.
Society is walking wounded. The injury to the collective psyche may be beyond healing, beyond the physical affects of the virus.
And we are left with a choice.
Do we dig in, follow the rules set by our leaders, close down and restart? Or do we ignore them and let nature take its course?
For some, it’s a matter of life or death decision. For others, it’s a no brainer.
Follow the science or follow our hearts. That’s what it all now boils down to.
I am feeling the same way… who knew this would happen in our life time…
Sports,, Concerts, weddings and death memorials all a danger and YES it is real.. thanks Tommy
The author fails to mention the hope of the vaccines. If everyone was vaccinated then the virus would be eliminated and we can go back to our normal lives. We need every American to cooperate. The lockdowns are for our own good and people need to know that and stop complaining.
There is no science behind the requirement of wearing masks. It is simply an expression of fear. Why we would do such a silly thing is difficult to understand. A virus is way too small to be blocked by any mask, and even if it were, there is still the availability of the eyes.
The vaccine idea is even worse. They are trotting out a vaccine never used before, that will permanently modify your DNA, or if not, then the RNA content of your cells. They don’t know what the hell they are doing. If we were to go with this and test it, it would take a couple of years at least to determine the possible effects of using it. Don’t be a fool and take the vaccine.
Richard Pitcairn, DVM, PhD (Immunology, virology)
DR. Pitcairn: Is this you? The author of “Dr. Pitcairn’s Complete Guide to Natural Health for Dogs & Cats?” If you are I just want to say it is one of the most amazing books I have ever read on holistic approaches to pet health that inspired me to write my own book on pet reflexology.
Your observation on masks and the vaccine is sound and and thank you for commenting. Your comment is especially noteworthy coming from a medical professional .
After reading Pitcain’s utter nonsense and if I had pets, I would think twice or more to let him be their vet. No question whatever for me for anything even taking my garbage can out to the street curb. Stupidity knows no bounds.
John Roberts
Thanks Dr. Pitcairn. My sister, nurse for 4 decades concurs. If you’re sick, sequester yourself, and wear a mask. However, being that she was in the ER, infusions, ICU with infectious diseases the mask process that politicians tell us pretty much BS. And the majority of the masks people wear, “designer masks” are not only usless but give a false sense of security. A mask must fit snugly, and in her case custom fit. Changed an avarage of 6 times a day and never touch any part of the face or the eyes. Wash your hands…often. Carry a hand sanitizer with a lotion component. Never alcohol. Cracked hands invite virus right through the skin.
People walking around with only the plastic shields are kidding themselves. Any airborne viruses just goes under the shield and sits there waiting for you in inhale. Those are splatter shields designed for ER where bodily fluids are released, ruptured artery or other issues. Used in conjuntion with masks they are effective. By themselves, a joke. And if you are contagious they stop nothing.
When you start wearing “designer masks”, you know you have the “Kool aid” syndrome.
And by the way, extended mask wearing is detrimental to your health. Every time you exhale your body is getting rid of CO2 and bacteria. When you inhale, you get oxygen, and oxygen is a purifier. If you are inhaling the same garbage from a mask that you just exhaled then you exacerbate the natural cleansing process. Why do think you have to sanitize daily the breathing apparatus many people use at night to sleep?
Sandy Schorr…I would like to say I have never heard a more self centered comment, but you are just a victim of propaganda. Not your fault.
The domestic violence increases (right here in the Verde Valley), the substantial rise in suicides, especially in kids as young as 10, due to the lockdowns by ignorant politicians that in many cases couldn’t get a real job if their life depended on it is disastrous. And the media ignores it, and good folks like you are sucked in.
People’s families, dreams and livelihoods are being and have been destroyed. Edicts being made only to be ignored by the little tin gods who made them. The middle class, especially small businesses which employ 50 to 70% of ALL people in this country are being decimated.
And the kids. With 4 grandchildren and 1 great grandson I can personally vouch that our children are falling behind DRASTICALLY this school year. This “learn at home” is a joke.
Countries shut down, but some did not. States shut down, but some did not. And the results….basically no difference. 8 of our states never did go to the extreme lengths.
THE American people, and people in most western or developed countries are given the guidelines to stay safe, they normally will heed those guidelines. Every city, town, state and country is unique. One size fits all; fits no one.
If you have an underlying physical condition that weakens your immune system, act accordingly. You are at a higher risk. We are intelligent creatures. We are also a free society which also increases risks. Our choice is to live in this free society. Use your head. Wash your hands, don’t touch your face and be cognizant of your surroundings.
The survival rate of the China Virus is over 99.7% for most of the population. Why are we destroying lives? This isn’t the black plague or ebola.
This is a world wide wide web site. It is quite telling especially looking at countries that control their borders and allow people to use their own brains. Updated daily.
Thanks Tommy for the article.
Sandy, your post was first class . The many of us who possess common sense like you do appreciated hearing from you. The virus spreading will take a whopping blow by the vaccine as the public adheres to CDC recommendations – adopted as recommended. When wide vaccination has progressed like the real doctors tell us to expect then Coronavirus will be primarily a bad memory years later for most all of us. Like the polio scare we contended with years ago.
Mike Schroeder’s cautionary remarks about masking adding to our knowledge and practice was also most welcome and appropriate.
Most important we all need to listen to Dr. Fauci and CDC and totally ignore the jackass pretender, D.J.Trump. What a complete nerd he turned out to be, but we’ll get over that frightening experience soon enough now that he got the boot. Nice parallel – a new president along with a good start reigning in the virus.
I like being optimistic particularly with the facts in support.
John Roberts
Tommy are you actually elevating a cat and dog doctor’s medical expertise above that of the world expert Tim Fauci and those real doctors at the CDC ? Amazing feat !!!!!! Brazen self approval of your intellect I’d say. I learned from my daughter attending Indiana’s School of journalism this isn’t the smartest way to perform. Besides there is a zero foundation for your conclusions obviously for not having been educated in medicine at an accredited university or college
Shame on you …
Your remarks are far below the brain competence standards of Biz.
I would be interested if you have the gall to answer this critique or if just admit to a bad moment.
John Roberts
Hi John:
Thank you for your comment Mr. Roberts. As an award winning investigative journalist with a hefty medical background I assure you I dug deep into the efficacy of masks, researching reams of cyber papers to get a clear picture.
Masks provide a minuscule amount of protection and are so porous the virus slips through like wind through a chain link fence.
Mr. Pitcairn is 100 percent on the money. And if you want three different opinions on masks, ask Dr. Fauci.
You need to consider how many of those testing positive for the flu caught it while wearing masks. When you have that picture you will get the picture. If so many mask wearers are getting sick then the masks are not living up to expectations.
I know you like to insult people and you get a thrill wielding your bully pen but I think you showed the good doctor disrespect and you should apologize.
Regardless, I do enjoy reading what you write.
Tom, thank you for your explanation. It was well prepared and presented as I had hoped it would be.
I’ll keep it alongside what I get to hear and read from Fauci and the CDC. The use of masks by the medical profession and hundreds of years of its success makes it difficult to be persuaded by Dr. Pitcairn.
Anyway I am pleased you are so well suited for the Sedona media. Threading the needle here is not an easy task and you deserve praise for doing it so well. Talking of praise you have a lady named Susan in the office who I think the world of because she handles the bombs thrown over your Biz fence adroitly and with diplomacy. Hang on to her . She does a great job.
Can’t be that kind to MR. SMITH ( submission above ), whom I am sure considers himself the Sedona ” cats meow “.
I will try to keep my hot pen in check – maybe by storing it in the freezer.
Thanks for liking my submissions. You do a far better job witness the volume of comments following your editorials.
Stay safe, apart and wear your mask.
Do not, whatever you do or don’t do, put your pen on ice. You are a skilled wordsmith and there is always a tinge of mirth in your inked javelins.
Consider this. Those who don’t mask would not be caught dead on line waiting for the swab.
Only mask wearers do so to tell if they have been infected or not.
So, since only the masked are being tested, and only the masked are testing positive, right there, by the numbers, is proof the masks most people wear, except for N95’s, just don’t work.
Here’s a prediction for what will happen.
For the next 100 days masks will be worn, vaccinations will take place and kiddies go back to school.
This is the Biden leadership plan. The coronavirus will also be around in a big way as a headwind to be breached.
As to masks the success for it is unquestionable – has been for over 100 years. However the cautions expressed by Mike. Pitcairn and Tommy are worth heeding because they are real. Masks must be used right and manufactured to work correctly or those highly and over enthused about them will be badly disappointed in results.
The vaccine is just around the corner because Trump hounded the medical guys in a big way. The army is ready for distribution to the needy. Fortunately the Biden planners and team are competent enough to execute -as we voted them to.
As to schooling Trump screwed this up enough to make this return a very chancy result.
PS . To keep pace with the idiots in Sedona be sure to tune in for their postings.
Hm. Face paralysis or a virus with a 99.7% chance of survival. I think I’ll take my chances with the virus.
“As the United Kingdom began administering people with the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, four people who got Pfizer’s coronavirus vaccine in the firm’s trial developed Bell’s palsy, a form of temporary facial paralysis, according to US regulators’ report on the shot.Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulators said there wasn’t any clear way that the vaccine caused Bell’s palsy, but warned that doctors should watch for the alarming side effect and Pfizer should continue to keep tab on how many people it strikes. Bell’s palsy is a condition that causes temporary weakness or paralysis of the facial muscles. It can usually occur when a nerve that controls the muscles becomes inflamed, swollen or compressed.”
In most of the cases documented to date, patients notice that one side of the face begins to tilt as the muscles weaken. In the most severe cases, it can affect both sides of the face. It is a disease that appears suddenly and similar to a stroke. There are also those who lose hearing, taste, or develop headaches and around the jaw on the affected side. This disease is believed to affect about 5,000 people around the world each year. Seven out of ten make a full recovery, with or without VACCINES AND RELATED BIOLOGICAL PRODUCTS ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING. December 10, 2020 FDA Briefing Document. Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine…/download
Thank you “Dr.” Buckner for the report that the Pfizer coronavirus vacine might cause Bell’s palsey.
Any more planned from you for our edification ???
Instead how about a health report on my Green Bay Packer players.
Keep masking, stay 6′ away and be sure to write Dr. Fauci a thank you for his real advice.
The question about the safety of taking the vaccine vs getting COVID-19 is a good one and not everyone will make the same decision. I’m all for safe and effective vaccines, but earlier this year I was a hard “no” on a theoretical vaccine seemingly being rushed and politicized. As months went by with unimaginable long-term health issues and deaths, and increasing pandemic collateral damage, I moved toward an uncomfortable “maybe” on the vaccines being developed and tested. Now that a vaccine is a reality, and there is no other end to the pandemic in sight, I’m a “yes”. I don’t have complete confidence in how “safe and effective” it is for everyone given how quickly it was developed and tested, but if it’s going to take herd immunity via the vaccine to get back to “normal life”, then I’ll get the vaccine when my turn comes around. I’ll accept the minimal risk to myself of Bell’s palsy or ??? if the reward means I can “safely” ride the shuttle (if it ever starts running again), wander around the airport, travel on a plane, and ultimately hug my grandkids again.
Back to Tommy’s original post, what the hell happened? To answer that rhetorical question, Americans broke from a history of pulling together during a crisis in favor of rabidly defending personal beliefs. How the hell did it happen? I’m sure we all have our own opinions on what (or who) may have been the catalyst. How the hell can we fix it? We probably can’t even agree that the divisiveness is a problem, but I think new leadership is a good start.
Merriam-Webster’s word of the year for 2020 is “pandemic”. Under new leadership I hope the word of the year for 2021 will be “bipartisan”.
Hey, Tommy, your last line sums it all nicely, as you wrote; “If someone had told us a year ago that this is where we would be today, we would have never believed them. We would have thought they were crazy.”
Yep, pretty crazy, it’nt it. Two things: We are “they.” And it seems like we’re just getting started!
I agree with EVERYTHING written here save for one sentence;
“Follow the science or follow our hearts. That’s what it all now boils down to.”
What adds to the trouble is that he science isn’t settled. States with complete lock-downs have similar death rates with those without lock-downs. Studies show that masks prevent the virus, and studies that show that they do little if anything. And more importantly; should we be attempting to slow the spread, or like the measles or chickenpox, actively seek to increase the spread among the healthy, while protecting the weak, and ‘get it over with’?
Despite the very loud opinions voices from both sides – the ‘science’ tells us nothing – which I believe is the whole point of the consternation aforementioned.
The only thing that I know, is that I do not know.
Can you believe all the barnyard debris like opinions being offered ?
Reality is – we are under new leadership. And Georgia voters haven’t yet spoken.
Despite the Trumpite idiots we’ll come out smiling most of us alive – like we always do.
Stay safe
Ignorance is the greatest evil.
Yes, Bud ignorance is the greatest evil. Add in the real count to it that now 69 courts ruled Biden won. None disagree. So let the Trump milk sops and the rest be alone and happy. Maybe they’ll make a mistake by breathing smelling salts.
continue staying safe