Cottonwood AZ (August 11, 2014) – Businesses in the Verde River Watershed have a new piece of information to read presented by the Verde River Basin Partnership (Partnership). The Partnership has released their first issue of the “Water Means Business” Newsletter.
With the release of this newsletter, the Partnership aims to inform the business community on how they play an important role in water-resource management decisions, since uncertainty in water supply and water flow in creeks and rivers can have a big impact on local economies.
The newsletter focuses on vital water resource management and economic issues facing the region in a brief and concise two-page format. The format features interesting facts, figures, and information for business owners to keep them informed, educated, and aware of water issues and provide them with the ways they can get involved as business owners.
You can read the Verde River Basin Partnership’s first issue at:
The Partnership is a scientific and educational resource raising awareness among citizens and community leaders about the workings of Verde River Basin’s interconnected groundwater and surface water systems, and the life they support. To find out more about the organization and other educational materials relating to shared water resources visit