Sedona News – The Rotary Club of Sedona Village launched the new Rotary year through the annual officer transition ceremony held at the home of Bob and Gayle Burns. Outgoing Club President Miki Dzugan recognized her leadership team and outlined numerous successful Village Rotary projects, including support for the Red Rock High School Interact Club, providing student summer camp scholarships, conducting a Veterans Raffle that raised $15,000 for veterans’ needs at the Prescott Regional Veterans Hospital, and continuing the development of the Rotary Community Garden.
Chuck Marr was installed as the Club’s President for the new Rotary year. Chuck is a founding member of the Club and a long-term Rotarian and community volunteer. He is also President of Sedona Sister Cities Association, a volunteer organization, like Rotary, that promotes world understanding and peace.
Chuck thanked Miki for her inspired leadership and announced his new leadership team: Carol Hess, President-Elect; David Bill, Secretary; Tracey Thie, Treasurer; and Cryss Hoyle, Sergeant at Arms. The team will bring Rotary International’s new theme, “The Magic of Rotary,” to life through exciting programs and projects focused on achieving the Club’s mission: to improve people’s lives, locally and globally, through service.
The incoming Rotary District Governor, Michelle Holcombe, attended the meeting to recognize the Club’s leadership and positive programs serving the Village community. Visitors are welcome to the Club’s regularly scheduled meetings, held on the first and third Thursdays of each month at 7:30 AM at the Village Library.