Sedona News – The Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) of Sedona presents author and UFO expert John B. Alexander, Col. (ret.) US Army in the new series dedicated to the scientific research of the UFO phenomena. His lecture is “UFOs and Full-Spectrum Phenomena,” on Sunday, June 11 at Sedonya, 120 Deer Trail Drive, Sedona at 3:00 p.m. and open to the public.

A former Green Beret commander in Vietnam, Colonel Alexander held key assignments in special operations, intelligence, and research and development. He participated in several unique programs including the application of psychokinesis, enhancing human performance with neurolinguistic programming, experimentation with a unique energy source, the Hutchison Effect, and an interagency group to study UFOs (now known as UAPs). He is the author of Future War (with a foreword by Tom Clancy), UFOs: Myths, Conspiracies and Realities, and Reality Denied: First-hand Experiences with Things that Can’t Happen but Did.
“This new series provides a platform for the public to learn more about the UFO phenomena,” said MUFON Sedona Chapter coordinator, Jennifer Stein. “We believe that the more knowledge we have, the better we can understand the UFO phenomena and its implications.” Each monthly program offers a different aspect of “high strangeness”—from ancient archaeology, ancient aliens, the UFO disclosure project, alien abductions, UFO crash sights, and US politics and the UFO phenomenon. Programs include lectures, discussions, and presentations from experts in the field of UFO research.
All programs are open to the public. Sedona MUFON hosts the two-hour program, with a Q&A following and a chance to meet the speaker and friends for dinner at a nearby restaurant. For more information, contact Jennifer W. Stein: 610-613-0088 or at For more information about the series, please visit
1 Comment
It may be interesting to hear the Colonels story. The military has and knows a lot of secrets. The rest should be a hoot!