By Ted Grussing
It was a great weekend and the week will be started sharing espresso with a friend and then full on into the day’s tasks. Huge smiles.
Friday the 13th was an excellent day and the good Dr. Butman cleared me for another year … and I lost five pounds’ year to year. On the way home I stopped at the ponds to see what if anything was in the neighborhood. Got a lot of shots of Blue Herons, mostly good, and then I came upon a very showy Red Wing Blackbird who was in full courtship mode and spent about fifteen minutes in a very small area trying to impress someone … I decided to spend some time just trying to get great shots of him … and among the hundred or shots I took of him I ended up with about ten I really liked and this is one of them.
Saturday I decided to renovate my espresso machine … traditional cleaning just didn’t hack it so I decided to take the brew head apart and really dig in there and do a job … and I did. The problem came when I put everything back together. Being a guy, I didn’t bother looking for the instructions on how to do it, so it should be no surprise that when I went to put it back together and had an issue that I eventually looked at the instructions and lo and behold, what I did is not supposed to be done so there were no instructions. Logged onto YouTube and likewise, no instructions. Query, surely there must be someone else who has done this and would have posted a how to, but alas none. I did figure it out eventually and next time I’ll take pictures as I do it and meet that huge demand I know must be there on YouTube … not. Besides it would be kinda like instructions and being a guy … nope I won’t do it. It is once again producing fabulous espresso.
Celtic Woman put on a beautiful concert at the ASU Gammage theater this afternoon … a stop at Sweet Tomatoes for dinner and home by 8:30P. Nice day. Also discovered “The Goodwife” and watched Season 1 episode 1 tonight. I like it. Have tried a few travel type movies on Amazon lately but generally they are … blah! Re-watched You’ve Got Mail for the umpteenth time, truly enjoy corny love stories.
Websites are doing pretty good this year and averaging close to 16,000 hits per month. I’m in the process of totally revamping them again and will have them up before the end of the month. Completely new look for both of them.
So we’re into the new week … have a beautiful one and breathe and smile and share your joy … perhaps you’ll meet someone doing the same :+)
A bird flies through the sky, and I fly with it. I am each pearl of moisture sparkling in the sun.
I lie lazy on the clouds. And I acknowledge my kinship with each winged thing.
I see all as one, and nothing repels me, as this new day climbs noiselessly out of the valley of the night.
Peace lies over the world and over the world of my soul.
— Max Ehrmann
The easiest way to reach Mr. Grussing is by email:
In addition to sales of photographs already taken Ted does special shoots for patrons on request and also does air-to-air photography for those who want photographs of their airplanes in flight. All special photographic sessions are billed on an hourly basis.
Ted also does one-on-one workshops for those interested in learning the techniques he uses. By special arrangement Ted will do one-on-one aerial photography workshops which will include actual photo sessions in the air.
More about Ted Grussing …