By Ted Grussing
… is now and medical procedures that were not yet dreamed of when I was young are here now and even more are in the works and surely will be here before long. Yesterday afternoon I stopped in to see my friend Jonathan and he confirmed what I already suspected and that is that both of my knees are bone on bone … whoops … hasn’t really slowed me down much as my makeup is to just push forward and ignore things. Still doing calisthenics, weights, treadmill and walks on a daily basis. In addition to being great with surgical tools and techniques, Jonathan has been involved in adult stem cell research for quite a few years now and there are some remarkable things happening.
Check the website out at: and Jonathan out at: . Really fascinating stuff and hope you take the time to read up on it. On the website there is a link where you can download a pdf file of a new book “The Stem Cell Revolution” and it is free.
So week after next it is back over to SoCal to harvest, culture and then re-inject my own stem cells back into me … I do like the thought of the use of needles and iv lines as opposed to the use of scalpels and saws and blood and all that stuff for knee transplants, but that is always an option if the stem cells don’t work. Half the stem cells will be injected into my knees and the other half goes IV into the blood stream where they scour the body repairing lots of other things … how cool is that!!!
The treatment is not yet covered by insurance, but well worth the price to avoid being taken apart and put back together again. I’ll keep you posted on the treatment and results. Very exciting stuff and there are a lot of other conditions that these adult stem cells can be used to treat and they are also to be found on the website. They have centers all over the country.
Didn’t get home until 3:30 in the morning, bed about 4:15 so didn’t get a n email out last night … sorry. Had a pretty quiet day catching up on a lot of business items; later this afternoon it is down to Scottsdale to spend time with friends in from the east coast and home late evening. Saturday I will be jumping back into the book project and more review of and deletion of photos. Life goes on with the thought that there will be another day, but today and this moment is all we are certain of … so wear a smile … don’t flip anyone off; can you imagine if that were to be the last memory anyone had of you? Geez. Better watch it myself.
Not sure where I took this photo, but I like it … late summer 2014 and it is a place I would like to go back to and just sit, relax and ponder the beauty of life and all that is.
Have a beautiful day and weekend … back Monday morning … live now just in case, and
Thou. Great God, uphold me also in the lonely hour; and though I fall in the din and the dust of the world, resurrect Thou me.
Even to the last, turn my hands to kindly service, and part my lips in gleeful songs of love.
And in the softly falling dark, when all grows strangely still,
May I be glad to have trod the sweet green earth, and know the tender touch of love.
Yet may I depart with joy, as one who journeys home at evening.
— Max Ehrmann
The easiest way to reach Mr. Grussing is by email:
In addition to sales of photographs already taken Ted does special shoots for patrons on request and also does air-to-air photography for those who want photographs of their airplanes in flight. All special photographic sessions are billed on an hourly basis.
Ted also does one-on-one workshops for those interested in learning the techniques he uses. By special arrangement Ted will do one-on-one aerial photography workshops which will include actual photo sessions in the air.
More about Ted Grussing …