By Ted Grussing
One of the more challenging types of duck hunting is pass shooting where you hunt them as they are flying between bodies of water or fields and water … they travel fast and if they are flying downwind your target can be traveling over 80 mph … the farm down in the Minnesota River Bottoms that my dad rented for hunting had an area for pass shooting between lakes and it was fun. After getting the shot another major issue was finding the bird, like they are traveling over 100 ft per second and their trajectory can carry them a long way into the weeds or whatever.
Challenge shooting with a camera is keeping them in focus as you pan their flight and keeping a spot focus on them and no need to try and find them after you shoot them, or clean them or eat them … geez I love shopping for food at Basha’s, AJ’s or wherever and no pellets to be found with your teeth.
After walking the ponds, I am now spending some time just sitting between a couple of them and trying to get the ducks in flight as they fly in or out of the area and that is how I got this drake widgeon the other day. Shot with the 1D-X, 400mm lens with a 1.4 extender for a total of 560mm f8.0 and 1/2000th of a second, ISO 400.
So, another day completed and it was wonderful with a fair share of work and a pleasant evening with friends, home to One and time with photos. The new day has been great so far and time for a sleep break before continuing the day. Look forward to waking, discovering that I am breathing and the sun is rising again. One will likely be sprawled on me or across the foot of the bed which is the cause of my sleeping across the width of the bed … you have to acknowledge who runs the place and who serves who :+)
Next comes the gift of caffeine, five shots of espresso to motivate me into action, followed quickly by another five shots … running on Kona coffee lately, freshly home roasted and purchased from the nice people at ; check their website out and if you truly love your coffee and espresso you will give roasting your own a try. Jon and Gary will be happy to talk to you and give you tips as to the best coffees for your taste and tips on roasting. Doesn’t cost much either with a good roaster running about $150 and premium coffees only around $6.00 per pound. So if you go through a pound per week you will be saving about $10.00 per week and getting fresh roasted to your taste. I figured I had the cost of the roaster back in about three months and the savings and great taste keep going. Think I have been roasting now for about six years. Great people and great coffee, check them out.
No profound thoughts or wisdom tonight … just enjoy life and help others do the same.
So each one to his wish, and as for me,
I sit tonight and wait
To find the answers to my soul in me,
And in the beauty of the sky and sea.
— Max Ehrmann
The easiest way to reach Mr. Grussing is by email:
In addition to sales of photographs already taken Ted does special shoots for patrons on request and also does air-to-air photography for those who want photographs of their airplanes in flight. All special photographic sessions are billed on an hourly basis.
Ted also does one-on-one workshops for those interested in learning the techniques he uses. By special arrangement Ted will do one-on-one aerial photography workshops which will include actual photo sessions in the air.
More about Ted Grussing …