By Ted Grussing
… so far so good … keep waking in the morning … roll out looking forward to what the day will bring and although they seldom end up as planned they are good days and I find a smile spreading across my face if for no other reason than it is good to be alive and enjoy the solitude or the company of friends or as now listening to a YouTube video of Monsters and Men performing at Lowlands in 2012 … a very fun group both musically and visually.
I got 50 of the 100 photos for the book done this weekend and should have the rest done by Wednesday. I had planned on using the text from the emails that went with the photos when they were sent out, but that is not going to work out so new thoughts will be accompanying each photo. Planned date for publication will be mid-September now due to the extra writing. The title is still hanging in at “Life … Love … Forever” through the eyes, lens and mind of Ted Grussing. The book will document the formative years and evolution of thought and observations of the natural world, the human condition and our place in the universe (s) … likely, in an alternate universe I have already published it, so it is not late … then again there will be one where I never finish it and hopefully this is not that one.
So two writing projects, one major gem cutting project and several photographic projects all underway … and a good start on watching “Chuck” on Netflix … five seasons in all and ideal for binge watching. Not sure why I like “Chuck” so much, but it is fun and whacky so what the heck!
Brady Smith, Public Affairs Officer of the Coconino Forest (USFS) has established a “Smoke Complaint Form” on their website and is inviting everyone who has complaints about smoke from prescribed and managed burns in the forest to fill out the online form and submit it. He is forwarding them directly to the Incident Commanders of the fires and other leadership members. This will give them direct feedback about the impact of the smoke on people. This is a major step forward to bringing the impact of smoke on humans into the equation when decisions are made to keep a fire going or not so please voice your thoughts. The link is: and their home page is : . Hopefully other forests will follow suit and establish methods of receiving comments too. Thank you Brady!!!
Spent a lot of time over the weekend tweaking settings on my camera bodies and trying the new settings … this House Finch was right there on top of one of our Pinon Pines saying “here I am”, so I took the shot and got this proud little creature as he posed for a portrait. For those who care I used the 1.4 extender on the new 100-400 lens on the 5Ds R body … 560mm, f8.0, 1/500th , ISO 400, spot AF, and option 3 on lens stabilization. Distance was about 30’. Not exactly an exotic bird, but they like visiting and eating the food I put out so it works for me too.
Whoops, time got away from me and time to wrap the day and get a few hours of sleep … then my mini coffee pot will brew five cups of coffee and another day will be underway. Back east it already is … Good morning Dick :+) Good morning Joleen :+)
Have a terrific day and share a smile with someone … anyone … everyone today.
O Passer-by, O passer-by!
Have you good words of me
Upon your lips as I draw nigh
To you each day?
If so, I ask
That you’d them say,
For soon I’m gone and cannot hear,
So speak the kindly word
I beg, and smile while I’m yet near …
— Max Ehrmann
The easiest way to reach Mr. Grussing is by email:
In addition to sales of photographs already taken Ted does special shoots for patrons on request and also does air-to-air photography for those who want photographs of their airplanes in flight. All special photographic sessions are billed on an hourly basis.
Ted also does one-on-one workshops for those interested in learning the techniques he uses. By special arrangement Ted will do one-on-one aerial photography workshops which will include actual photo sessions in the air.
More about Ted Grussing …