By Ted Grussing
… some photographs call out to be looked at again and memories are recalled … such an image is this one of a Golden Retriever puppy who had had enough of the sun and enough of the heat; mom would understand and so she sat in a large pan of drinking water to cool herself off … the expression on her face says it all as she lives in the present some fifteen years ago. She was one of Fran’s pups and was raised to be a service dog; through her Hairy Angel Foundation Fran raised, trained and gave her liters of Goldens to autistic kids and also to be used in hospitals and other such uses. This pup had a full life serving humans, but here she was taking a spa moment to enjoy the truly restful moments in life.
I made note cards out of this image for Corky, I think it may be in an art book that Nelleke Nix did for Fran and also there was a photograph of Corky holding this pup … Nelleke did an original piece of art from it, it was used in the book and I have the original on the wall … Corky loved these wonderful creatures too. I took the shot with my third digital camera, an Olympus E-20. Great choice and thank you for the recommendation, Stu!
Random thoughts … I’ve never paid attention to the years as they went by, 60 was no different than 30 and 40 was a so what type of event, 70 was pretty cool, but 80? That is truly special and I am enjoying it immensely. It is probably the last decade of life for me, although there is no certainty either way, but probabilities are such that it is and each day has a few moments that are special whether a remembrance or some little event in the day … watching One rip through the house in pursuit of heaven knows what. A smile on the face of a friend, helping someone solve a problem or cope with life, flying close to mountain ridges or simply pointing the nose of Mariah upwards and climbing to 17,999’ and thinking of going further … into space and beyond to who knows where, spending time on a lake with friends in pursuit of photographs of wildlife and landscapes and being on the lake and my mind being flooded with the warm realization that I am in a special place of beauty. Cutting gemstones and carving wax with a vision of the finished piece of jewelry in my mind’s eye. Working on photographs and culling the chafe. Contemplating the continuation of the journey beyond here. Eighty is rather like returning to the beginning with a wonderment of life and everything and everyone in it … but sweeter knowing how full and blessed my life has already been and continues to be.
Into the weekend and times of fun projects and travels … smile and share your joy with those you meet and greet. Back Monday morning, such is the plan …
Come you who are weary, and sit in the shadow of my faith; and when you are rested we shall
journey together, singing gleefully on the highway, lending many a hand, yet passing ever on and on;
and at nightfall, tired and content, we shall light the candles in the house of love, thank God in cheerful
words, and lie down to peaceful sleep.
— Max Ehrmann
The easiest way to reach Mr. Grussing is by email:
In addition to sales of photographs already taken Ted does special shoots for patrons on request and also does air-to-air photography for those who want photographs of their airplanes in flight. All special photographic sessions are billed on an hourly basis.
Ted also does one-on-one workshops for those interested in learning the techniques he uses. By special arrangement Ted will do one-on-one aerial photography workshops which will include actual photo sessions in the air.
More about Ted Grussing …