The tour will begin on Wednesday, August 11th, 8:30 a.m., with prayers for humanity, health and peace at the Sedona Amitabha Stupa, located at 2650 Pueblo Drive.
The monks will then move to Sedonya Conscious Living Center for many days of blessings and performances, including the creation of a beautiful and sacred Green Tara Sand Mandala, the Buddha of Compassion. The closing ceremony at Sedonya will take place on Friday, August 20th at 9:30 a.m. when the Monks sweep away the mandala, representing the impermanence of life. These two events are free to the public.
The Sacred Arts of Tibet Tour has been visiting the United States since 1989 with a two-fold mission: to be of service to the world by helping
to spread peace, compassion, and tolerance through cultural exchange, interfaith dialog, and Buddhist teachings; and to raise funds for essential needs of the monks including food, medical needs, housing, and education. The tour monks are from Gaden Shartse Monastery located in a Tibetan Refugee Settlement near Mundgod in South India. The Monastery has approximately 1500 monks from the ages of 4 years to 90 plus years old. A modest donation between $15-20 feeds one monk for one month.

Much of the funds raised for Tibetan Buddist Monasteries in refugee camps throughout India are raised during monastic world tours such as The Sacred Arts Tour of Tibet. The global COIVD-19 pandemic has had major impacts on this tour. While their monastery in India has been in lock-down, this tour, which began in January 2020 with only two community visits, has been delayed for the past 15 months. We are happy they have been able to resume this extraordinary tour and are able to join us here in Sedona. All donations small and large are greatly appreciated. On behalf of all the monks of Gaden Sharte Monastery, thank you!
For a full schedule of events taking place at Sedonya Conscious Living Center and to purchase tickets visit: sedonya.org/monks2021edonya.org