By Tommy Acosta
(June 6, 2021)
Once I was one but now, I am two. I just received a corneal transplant and I can almost feel the spirit and flesh of the dead person the transplant came from, as a newfound part of me.

The reality is that in my right eye my DNA is now unified with the cornea of a cadaver.
I can’t help feeling that somehow this bit of human tissue in my eye is a microcosm of the macrocosm this person who died once was.
Were they tall, short, a woman or a man? A cop? A criminal? A Republican or a Democrat? Black or White? Regardless of who the donor once was, they died for my eye so I could see clear once again.
It’s not so much the thought that I have the cornea of a dead person living in my eyeball. It’s the energy and history of who this person once was that intrigues me.
Were they happy? Were they sad? Were they hateful or kind? Did they die violently or in their sleep?
I try to communicate with this transplanted piece of a dead person in my eye asking questions like: Who are you now living in me? Who were you? What were your dreams and aspirations? And how did you die?
But I get no answers, yet. These are the questions in my head. And I doubt I will ever know.
The transplant operation did not take long. In total, less than ten minutes. In that short amount of time the surgeon inserted into my eye a layer of corneal tissue taken from the body of my dead donor, stored in some eye bank then and taken to me to be implanted.
Now, here I am with the energy of this tissue, this sample of a fellow human, that is helping to restore good vision to my right eye.
I ask, could I reach through the curtain that divides life and death and somehow make contact with my donor?
What was their life like? Did they die too soon? Did they live a fulfilling life?
Did they die alone? Were they surrounded by a loving family when the final moment came?
The thought of who they were reverberates through me as does the realization that a part of them lives on in me.
Is a person only truly dead after the existence of cellular life is snuffed?
I keep trying to catch glimpses of my donor. I tell him or her that I love them as if they were of my own flesh and blood, which they actually are now that we are married in my cornea.
The diagnosis was Corneal Dystrophy, a disease that slowly robs you of your vision because special cells in your cornea stop functioning in draining fluids from the eye.
Will I hear whisperings in the night from my donor, trying to communicate, holding on for the last ride of its time here on earth before it disintegrates when it’s my time to join them?
Will that very same tissue be taken out of my dead eye and transplanted into yet another human, keeping the tissue living and functional even beyond my own lifetime?
I tell myself it is only a very thin and tiny slice of someone else’s cornea that was implanted.
Not like a kidney, lung or heart.
Still, like holographic film where the totality of the image is stored in even a clipping of that film, so is the totality the donor encoded of that sliver of flesh that was implanted in my eye.
I think as time passes the “who” of who my donor was will one day be revealed to me.
As my eyesight improves, I find myself thanking my donor each time there is a marked improvement in my focus.
The last thing I want to do is reject the transplant. So, I imagine my donor looking down on me from the afterlife, appreciating my appreciation and feeling accepted by me — body, mind and soul!
Thank you, my nameless donor. Thank you for donating your body parts so that I could see well again with my afflicted right eye.
For sure, when it’s my time to transition, I will do the same for those I leave behind.
What an experience. Thanks
I know. Thanks. Just got to love my donor and never reject their gift regardless of party affiliation. LOL (:->
What a miracle! So happy you had it done. May the result be all you hoped for! <3
Good thoughts, Tommy.
I think your attitude and experience of love and gratitude is exactly the right, wise, and healthy thing to do.
There is a wonderful story about a young girl who had a heart transplant. After the transplant, she had strange dreams. The dreams led to the arrest and conviction of the man who murdered the woman whose heart was transplanted into the young girl. After the arrest, the dreams stopped. What’s even stranger is that this is evidently not fiction.
My feeling on this is that it is not so much a holographic piece of the person in every part of the body. Although I can’t deny that this is also true. But I feel it is more another of countless examples of that we are all essentially one unified Consciousness. That eye and that heart are also really not the solid matter that they appear to be, but also simply a manifestation of that One unified pure Consciousness and energy.
All matter is this same energy and Consciousness only appearing to be matter. That has been my experience for the past twenty years. The experience continues to open up, be more complete, and offer many practical results.
Yesterday in a healing, I felt the energy transform what appeared to be solid matter, bone, nerves, trauma, injury, scar tissue into something more like Silly Putty (remember that?). It eliminated the scar tissue and altered the nerves and broken bone. I don’t have anything to do with this. I just observe it happening. I’m just a conduit for the energy to flow through. And later I keep seeing that it has.
What I continue to experience is that life, matter, self, the world, etc. is nothing like what it appears to be or we think it is. It is so dramatically more than that. And yet it is also more than we are capable of thinking or imagining. It continues to amaze me.
The wonderful thing is that it is not only infinitely more than it appears to be, but also infinitely better. In our thoughts, we often perceive a world of problems and suffering, relative levels of hell. In reality, it is paradise and perfection far beyond anything our mind can imagine.
I am very happy you are doing well. And I too am grateful and feel love for the one who donated your new cornea.
I’m also happy we didn’t get it into sparring. I might have felt badly if I had punched you in the eye and later this happened, even if that wasn’t what caused it. We are all responsible for each other anyway. That’s another of the many lessons we receive from the realization of what we call non-duality, Oneness, or God.
I’m happy you’re doing well. When you’re doing well, I’m doing well. When you have two good eyes, I have two good eyes. So thank you.
First off all Peter, you have never been able to catch me with a hard left to my right eye because I’ve always been simply too fast for you.
Even wounded I will still evade the majority of your blows, especially now, that I got an extra eye in my eye, watching your bobbing and weaving moves, waiting for that split second where there is no thought and only combat, where the body with no mental direction becomes one with the physical world, and there, where All is stilled, I will launch a right hand to your left temple, ringing your bell till the end of time.
I am grateful for the consideration, though. There’s always the possibility you can get a lucky shot in.
So the intrigue, remains. Who was the donor? I know in the big Peter Cutler picture it’s the all-one factor, factoring, etc. Yet, I am more than curious.
I am watching my thoughts carefully and looking for any signs that my personality has absorbed another through the vehicle of the transplant. Little glimpses have been appearing and quickly disappearing into the lower depths of my awareness.
It will come.
Still, maybe a good psychic can help me make a direct connection, I don’t see it as impossible for a psychic to tune into my donor since we are all connected anyway. I would love to hear some readings on this from any of the gifted out there.
Oh. An afterthought, I’m healing magnificently! My vision is returning with gusto. No pain. Working out lightly. Playing the guitar. Writing songs and still writing.
So thanks Peter. Soon as my eye completes its healing we should step into the ring and move around again for a bit. You bad ass monk, you!
How you see mey well change but your perception of what you see – that’s a diffent ball game …innit.
What a blessing to receive such a gift. I have read stories of recipients who felt the presence of the giver, even took on some of the characteristics of the deceased. There is so much we don’t know about this life and how it really works. Being in the inquiry, open to the movement of your life, be it a quick glimmer or a full on rush, seems to be wise — well heck, what else you going to do? You are in the inquiry whether conscious of it or not. If information is coming, it’s coming and you are right in the center of the data stream.
I am awed by people who become donors and their families. Offering up and out, parting themselves so many others can benefit is one of the most noble acts of humanity. It’s sometimes harder for the family member than it was to check the box for the donor. It seems that if the system was set up for donor families to more easily meet or at least share their contact information with the recipients, that could change. Seeing, literally your loved one continue, feeling their presence through their gift, could go a long way towards healing on both sides. Your inquiry points to that for me.
When we die — oh such a quandary of truth and lie there — when consciousness leaves the body what traces are left. It seems more than we realize. Is it proportional to the size of the body part. I don’t think so. Nothing is actually proportional in my understanding. We are the whole and the seeming part. Even a snippet of our DNA holds within it the entire human — perhaps the Entirety Itself 😉
I’m happy for you Thomas. So glad you were given such a gift — in both the renewed eyesight and the inquiry.
Every’thing’ is made of information in motion.
The information that was held in the other eye is now available to benefit you.
If it’s all good, great.
If it’s not, you can transform it.
Do you believe in covenants? 🙂