Political Satire
By Tommy Acosta

Sedona AZ (July 5, 2020) – Every news outlet is reporting how many new coronavirus cases are being added every day to the ever expanding list of those testing positive in our country, and whether people should be forced to wear masks in public or not.
We are given startling new statistics of the virus’s spread and are treated to throttling media coverage of the ongoing social distancing war between those who believe wearing masks will help protect them against the ravages of Covid-19 and those who don’t believe masks work.
Focusing on the number of cases, as of July 3, according to the CDC, 19,789,038 Americans have been tested for the virus since March, of which 1,927, 728 individuals tested positive.
Not mentioned in the media or by the CDC is the number of Americans that have tested negative, which if you do the math comes to about 17,861,310 so far.
With a listed population of 328,239,523 people living in the U.S.A. as of 2019, that leaves us with only 308,450,485 more tests to go before we can claim the entire country has been tested.
To be assured all our bases are covered as far as the Covid19 infestation is concerned, there is one factor that has to be considered in the equation…those who refuse to be tested!
Sure, there are many who will wait in their cars inhaling carbon monoxide in mile long bumper-to-bumper lines to find out if they are infected or not. Except for those who refuse to submit themselves to what they consider an indignity.
The untested remain invisible to the authorities and are flying under the medical establishment’s radar, many of whom could be ticking time bombs carrying the virus undetected and possibly infecting everyone they come into contact with, if we are to believe it to be as contagious as the experts say.
No doubt the government has records of everyone who has been tested since Jump Street. They have their names and addresses, social security number and medical insurance information and can track their whereabouts at a later time, if and when forced vaccinations finally come into play.
So why would someone refuse to be tested for the virus considering it’s purported lethality?
Maybe they don’t believe in the virus and see it as a scare tactic to turn the country into a flock of bleating sheep ready for and proudly internally wearing the Bill Gates patented microchip?
Perhaps they see it as a matter of pride…they will not be manipulated by the authorities or humbly submit them selves to an invasive coronavirus test.
Or maybe it’s because they don’t want to be electronically tattooed with the “Mark of the Beast,” meaning becoming a part of the government’s database of the infected and non-infected.
How many of the untested develop symptoms but refuse to go to a hospital and simply self medicate with hydroxychloroquine, oil of oregano, Vitamin D, Zinc or other unproven remedies?
Then there are those repelled by the thought of having a ten-inch swab shoved up their nose an inch short of Lobotomy-Ville.
The sight of seeing someone with their head obediently tilted backwards, their skull invaded by a stick, can make a grown man faint.
Whatever reason they have for not being tested, these rebels are out there. They might be practicing social distancing. They may be wearing masks in public to cover their nefariousness in not getting tested. But they walk among us, stealthy and unknown.
If they don’t know they are positive they can’t self-quarantine. They unwittingly could be spreading the virus to the innocent, who are trying to protect themselves with flimsy handkerchiefs and porous surgical masks.
Of course, when all the tests of those willing are in, by process of elimination the government can track down the untested and force the issue.
Depending on who is in the White House, the authorities can then move into the final phase of the war against Covid-19 and force the vaccination of every U. S. citizen as promulgated by Dr. Fauci and Gates.
And America will be free… once again.
Thank God everyone only needs to be tested once. Well, I haven’t been tested – I’m hiding in my house from “them”. But what about the microchip? Does it get shoved into our brains by the swab, or will it be injected with the vaccine?
I think getting tested if you have symptoms makes sense so you know whether to quarantine, but the problem with testing, if you don’t have symptoms, is that you would need to be tested every day because you could test negative on Monday, get exposed on Tuesday and then test positive a few days later. The test I think most valuable is the one for anti-bodies. Because so many people are asymptomatic, it would be nice to know if you had the virus and never knew it but have some immunity based on the antibody test. Just my personal opinion of course.
In case it isn’t clear to anyone, my previous comment was sarcasm in response to Tommy’s “political satire”. In all seriousness, I totally agree with you Joy on the testing.
Not quite sure which side you were supporting in your article but, it reminded me as do all the masked people when I have to shop, of the movie “The Body Snatchers”. Very hokey sci-fi but, I love it and speaks a bit to what is happening re the masks when people who knew about the snatchers hid from them. Also reminded of the sc-fi movie “They Live”.
Joan Shannon
Glad you can’t tell which side I am supporting in the article. That means I equally stepped on both sides of their toes. (:->
I appreciated how you gave voice to some of the stances that people are taking with the question: “to test or not to test”? Showing both sides of the fence is a fresh perspective in this opinionated and charged climate where most articles are written looking over one side of the fence or the other.
Giving voice to a variety of platforms with a bit of humor, shows us that those who dwell on these platforms, have the right to own their thoughts, regardless of whether we agree or not. After all, we are still the owners of our thoughts aren’t we? Or have the thought police brought original thinking to the brink of extinction?
When are people going to wake up and realize this isn’t about a virus?
What we are actually seeing is the symptomatic fall of the republic and the rise of the corporation of the United States. Every major event is a step in the ladder to achieve that end. COVID is just another rung in the ladder, which is why there is a deliberate mixing of word play. We should stop calling it “quarantine.” That’s a term for people who have been verified as sick. This is a house arrest mandated by the state. We should stop calling it “social distancing,” because there’s nothing social about forced isolation. We should stop saying “safer at home” because millions of Americans do not have the basics to live comfortably at home. Not everybody’s home is equally safe to the people making these statements. This is NOT for the “greater good” when it is killing many businesses, especially small businesses that is putting food on the table and providing shelter. Please stop saying “New Normal,” that’s just mind control drivel. There’s nothing normal about forced isolation, wearing masks and breathing your own bodily toxins and living in fear of contamination. If the virus is SO deadly, why hasn’t it wiped out the homeless who don’t social distance, wash their hands, and live in filthy conditions? Last year 1.55 million people died of tuberculosis – where were the masks and social distancing then? Because the MSM didn’t tell you to wear a mask and social distance. 1.55 million people died around the world but there was no tuberculosis pandemic just like there’s no Coronavirus pandemic. This is a beta test for AI. Facial recognition works best when people stand away from each other. Wearing a mask tells the overlords who the propaganda works on and who it doesn’t. A society who kills millions of babies out of convenience has shut itself down so an adult doesn’t get sick and die and then they preach about the “sanctity” of human life. Doublespeak. If I violate the mask order I can be arrested, but they are letting people out of prison so they don’t get coronavirus? Why don’t they just give those prisoners a mask? Why do they resort to faulty virus models, rigged test results, an inaccurate counting of cases, fake news about over run hospitals and falsified death certificates? Why shut down millions of small businesses but no lay offs of government employees? When abortion clinics are open but you can’t go to the dentist is it about a virus? You can’t buy seeds to plant a garden but you can buy a lottery ticket, it’s not about your health. Good luck if you think hand sanitizer, social distancing, and masks are going to protect you from the coronavirus – that’s a special kind of stupid.
From the CDC:
“… it should be noted that the PRC tests can not distinguish between “live” virus and non-infective RNA.”
The means the test cannot distinguish COVID from a cold or measles or ebola.
Notable human diseases caused by RNA viruses include Ebola, COVID19, Rabies, common cold, influenza, hepatitis C, hepatitis E, West Nile virus, polio and measles.
Just to comment on the latest comment which was quite excellent and pretty much calls out the whole thing in a nutshell for anyone who still believes the phony facts.
However, in defense of Karen: that is my birth name as unfortunate as it may be at this time. I can take it though and it is kind of funny in a round about way. I would be the last person to snitch or make a scene on a non-compliant individual.