By Tommy Acosta
Sedona AZ — There is one similarity between Republicans and Democrats that cannot be denied or overlooked.
That similarity is called hypocrisy.
Both parties suffer from it even though they would never admit it or perhaps remain blind to it in benevolent ignorance.
Let’s start with the Republicans. They claim to be against being told what to do by the government. They don’t want to be told they have to wear masks, or forced to take a vaccine they don’t want.
They want to self-govern, and they don’t want Uncle Sam micro-managing their lives. They want to be the sovereign ruler over their own bodies and do not want to be told what they can or can’t do. Especially by socialist -needle-toting-Democrats.
This is admirable except for one thing. They support the right to live life as they see fit without government in the way, yet they want to control a woman’s right to an abortion.
Here they are spouting about personal freedoms, but they want to regulate the body of a woman by telling her she can’t have an abortion.
Blatant hypocrisy right there in their face, yet, they fail to see it. They want the freedom to do what they wish with their bodies, yet, are telling women what they can or can’t do with their own.
Now let’s talk about the Democrats.
They want government to be able to do what it must to keep the ball rolling smoothly. They want to tell you that you must take that vaccine, wear that mask, quarantine when duty calls, not use fossil fuels, pay for medicine and shelter for the poor, house migrants and have the right to tell you how to live your life for they are the nanny and you are the child that must be ruled over for your own good.
Yet, they defend a woman’s right to abortion, and don’t want the government, especially MAGA intoxicated Republicans, butting in.
They want to tell you to obey when ordered, yet they blame Republicans for wanting to end abortion and messing with peoples’ right to self determination.
Once again total hypocrisy. They want to tell you what you can or can’t do but blame Republicans for doing the same.
Sheesh. Well. At least there is a bridge that bonds both parties, even if it’s hypocrisy.
What a stupid article. Seems like a 3rd grader wrote it. How pathetic
I think this is one of the most stupid things you have ever written, Tommy. So what if Republicans are telling women they will go to jail if they abort. So what if Democrats defend abortion while making you take lethal injections. Government hypocrisy is an oxymoron. People are stupid. They deserve to be told what to do. Tell us something we don’t already know.
Really? I never thought about it but you are right. Republicans don’t want being told they must take the vaccine or mask up but yet they are telling women they can’t have an abortion. The Dems are not much better, claiming they are liberals yet want you to take vaccines, use electric cars and obey. What’s with that photo with the two women hiding weapons behind their backs while smiling at each other? I don’t get it. It’s kind of hot, though.
You noticed it too? The women look like they are about to kiss. We don’t know if they are going to embrace or attack.
It’s not a problem of political affiliation so much as it is a problem of corrupt politicians of both parties and the distortion of the Constitution and rule of law being made to suit the interests of dark money donors and lobbyists who have perverted our Democracy as the founders intended. We also suffer from CRS so far as history goes. We have people in government supporting Putin’s long term strategy of taking back all of its former Warsaw Pact countries and then some over Ukraine being armed and funded to prevent that from happening. So much for the Trillions we spent on the Cold War and all of our conflicts since WWI. We have Americans including veterans who want full blown Fascist Society and Rights and Freedoms of a racially and economically determined viable few here in the US over a society of Liberty and Justice For “ALL”.
When it takes millions and billions of USD just to run for office in the US that alone should be a “yuge” red flag. That tells you then and there that these offices are not being occupied by Jack or Jill average American!
Then there’s the fact that they sit in on economic hearings that divulge stock trend indicators and trade statistics then are allowed to maintain “yuge” stock portfolios.
The so called SWAMP in DC has not been drained by anyone nor has anyone even made attempts to do so despite the Orange idiot claiming that’s what he would do if elected and then he restocked it with gators and piranhas for his own criminal self gain agendas.
Take the dark bullshit money out of politics and maybe America could start to become the Democracy it’s claimed to be but never was except for those fleeting moments when we were victorious in our “ALLIED” victory in WWII which was being fought for years without US involvement.
Abortion is being used as Birth Control. WHen adults get together to enjoy sex, there is a responsibility and consequences that have for some reason been abandoned.
There was a time when the man had to bear the consequences of impregnating a woman – for the next 18 years. Supporting that child, and even to the point where a court order would deduct child support from the man’s paycheck. When was the last time you saw that.
The DNA of the baby is unique, one of a kind, an individual.
Europe has figured it out, a balance, compromise. That has been proposed and rejected for some reasons, mostly political.
ALmost every EU country abortion is allowed to 12 weeks (21 countries), exception:
Portugal 10
Austria and Spain 14
Sweden 18
Netherlands 22
UK 24
Yet we have certain states that permit it up to the time of birth, in essence murder, and to say the baby does not feel pain has been proven to be total nonsense.
There is always exceptions when the life of the mother is in danger, incest or other situations that can be defined, but a personal relationship between a DOCTOR and the patient, not some hack needs to be consulted. And definitely NOT politicians.
In Arizona, we have a group of OUT OF STATE organizations who are promoting an amendment to the AZ Constitution on abortion. Folks – DO NOT SUPPORT THIS BASED ON THE THE TITLE. Titles of these amendments are designed to be misleading and count on the ignorance of the people. READ IT. When you realize that protections for women that we have now will be removed, like being 30 minutes away from a hospital in case there is a problem, or the expansion of “authorized” people who are NOT doctors to do abortions that is outright dangerous to women you might want to question the motives of this amendment.
So before you line up on the streets with the signs, know what you are supporting.
In reality, let’s stop using abortions as birth control, and focus on programs to educate kids of sexual age and consenting adults on the safe way to have sex using birth control pills, VCF foam, or the easiest is a condom, just to name a few.
The single parent syndrome in our country is certainly a core problem as the nuclear family is being destroyed. 76% of Black families are single parent, 59% Hispanic, 39% white, 31% Asian.
2020 in the EU, 14% single family. In 2022, 5.5% of adult women aged 25-54 years in the EU were single parents with children, compared to 1.1% of adult men.
If the Republicans keep trying to prevent abortions, they are going to lose at the polls. Abortion is murder. Anytime a life is destroyed on purpose, it’s murder.
But that does not negate the possibility, the reality, that they will suffer politically this coming election if they stay the course.
The nail on the Republican coffin that finishes the job will be Taylor Swift, the singer/songwriter considered a goddess by her young, voting age fans.
She is pro-choice and God forbid she decides to go political and support Biden. That will be the end of Republican political dominance in the political spectrum.
Republicans need to soften the message on pro-choice. Even Trump has said if they don’t, they lose.
Too few babies are being born to sustain the future need for workers, soldiers and relevance in the world as other global populations leave ours behind in sheer numbers.
Lotta men afraid of having to have abortions that they cannot have but likely are. Sure hate to have women start regulating what I can our cannot do with my body like ejaculation or hard on police whacking men in the nards because of a reproductive function. Yet America’s “do as we say not as we do” evangelical zombies feel we should have an Eastern Bloc snitch on your neighbor society for doing things that only affect themselves.
Seems very very Shariah Law’ish to me.
@JB, yep anyone who wants to make laws based on religion it makes me fume!
We have the right to believe in any religion, or none at all!
But when one party is always looking to divide and conquer, they just keep dividing people for more power.
I couldn’t have said it better! Separation of church and state happened for a reason a reason that needs to remain intact. Christianity, Judaism and Islam while having good intentions at times have been the Primary excuse for conflicts and killing since the dawn of mankind.
Everyone should have a right to believe whatever they choose albeit religion or Taylor Swift conspiracy theories! But when people of faith want to shove it down our throats and put it on full display everywhere we look it is no longer a freedom of belief but an act of aggression born out of distorted understandings of their own faiths teachings. Especially when only one faith is allowed to do so and oppresses the beliefs and freedoms of those of no or other faith.
Using faith to control others rights and freedoms such as abortion rights, civil rights and liberties flies in the face of the peace loving, love thy fellow man gospel they love to preach but tend not to practice so much especially when it financially and or geographically benefits them not to do so.
The grift of the Mega Church, Mosque, Temple and their leaders of today would have Christ, Mohammad, Buddha and David all turning in their eternal graves.
Now we have the Church of the MAGA Orange idiot who like brain dead Jon Voight think is Christ incarnate despite being a misogynist, chauvinist, Fascist, thieving, gluttonous, bully (by proxy he’s too much a coward to settle his own battles). His followers are White Supremacist, anti Democracy and Q Anon nut job zombies who worship this false idol. Evangelicals (especially men who will never be impregnated) love him because he corrupted the Supreme Court and had Roe abolished only to realize that rut ro raggy now their out of wedlock lovers and incest rape victims can no longer dispose of “the problem” they helped create and maybe Roe had merit after all? I’m sure Orange JuliASS himself has forced women to abort children during what he called his “war” during the Vietnam War (he got 8 privileged and paid for deferments to avoid). Now he buys Purple Hearts and Medals of Honor from Vietnam War Veterans to add to his wannabe tough guy collection. His dummy sonny even tried to put out a line of tactical clothing which flopped miserably when actual veterans noted that nobody in that family has ever served their country. And yet daddy is “smarter than the generals” his highly difficult “man woman camera tv” dementia screen says so! Just ask him!