Sedona AZ (February 18, 2016) – Friday, March 4th at 6:30pm, the Sedona Posse Grounds HUB will host the opening of the Building Bridges art show, a multi media exhibit by local artists with works representing how they are bridge builders in the world. This will be followed at 7:30pm by a physicalized presentation of transpersonal masks by performance artist and masks maker, Pash Galbavy.
Sunday, March 6th, from 9:30am to 4:30pm, Galbavy will offer a mask making workshop where participants will make masks of their faces or body parts that represent their vision of integration, health and wholeness for people and our planet.
This exhibit, presentation, and workshop are offered as part of Building Bridges, a March event series in Sedona celebrating connections through empathy, awareness, art, and action. For more info, see
The Building Bridges Art Exhibit, which runs through March, includes many local artists. By working with the intention of expressing their interpretations of the words, “empathy,” “awareness,” “art,” and “action,” the exhibit entices the viewer to create their personal relationship to these words and their own internal and external ways of “building bridges.”
At 7:30pm, Pash Galbavy will offer a performance art presentation of The Humanity Reclamation Project. This is the latest evolution of her one-woman show originally titled The Body Reclamation Project, which debuted at the Flagstaff Performing Arts Fringe Festival in 2010. In this improvised ritual, masks will be brought to life as the archetypes that are encountered & embodied on a transpersonal journey into adulthood & the world.
Pash will use improvisation, storytelling, movement, mask-art, myth, and personal and collective healing ritual to share her interpersonal struggle to be at home in her body and on our planet. She touches on common issues faced in our Western culture and offers hope that both personal and collective humanity can be found.
The term archetype, from ancient Greece, means “original pattern.” The psychologist Carl Jung believed that mythological, universal “archetypes” are personalized in each person’s psyche and make up the foundation of personality, motivation, feelings and beliefs.
Pash presents and explores archetypal characters—such as the Child, Critic, and Pleaser–that are encountered both within and without. In traversing pleasure and peril, from promiscuity, to violence, to eating disorders, to nude modeling, the body, like the earth itself is the landscape where inner and outer struggles converge. Pash offers hope that a way back to wholeness can be found by learning to listen and respond to one’s own inner calling, and the calling of our planet and its inhabitants, however unfamiliar their voices may seem.
Sunday, March 6, at 9:30am, Pash will offer a Mask Making Workshop. Participants will make masks of their faces or body parts that represent their vision of humanity reclaimed. In part one of this workshop, participants will make a mask of their own face or body part. In part two, the mask will be decorated to become a personal totem. Participants will give their masks a name and share their meaning. The masks may optionally be displayed at the HUB during the Building Bridges art exhibit and events taking place there through March. To make a reservation to make a mask, call 284-4021.
Actor, writer and filmmaker Joseph Culp, (son of “I Spy” actor Robert Culp) says: ”Pash’s work is a revelation. She taps into the unconscious to unleash powerful, authentic expression of the individual and collective soul. As a performer, she mesmerizes, as if hooked into some mysterious primal source, inhabiting characters and archetypes spontaneously, and revealing secrets of the human psyche before our eyes. She brings an ancient shamanic art to life with all the elements of theater, dance and ritual.”
Pash is an expressive artist, contact improvisational dancer, author, and artists’ model. She has an MA in Communication Studies and is the recipient of many artist grants including those from the Arizona Commission of the Arts and the City of Sedona. She has performed at numerous festivals, and public and private events in the U.S. and Australia. More info about Pash and her work is available at:
Please attend the exhibit opening of Building Bridges on March 4th at 6:30PM, and Pash Galbavy’s Humanity Reclamation Project mask performance, at 7:30PM. Also, the Humanity Reclamation Mask Making Workshop on Sunday, March 6th, at 9:30am. All events are at the Sedona Posse Grounds HUB, 525-B Posse Grounds Road, Sedona.