Sedona AZ (August 23, 2021) – Yavapai County is in the process of updating its Comprehensive Plan to cover the next 10 years. This critical document will guide the Planning and Zoning Commission, as well as County Supervisors as they consider development proposals over the next decade. To take this important survey CLICK ON THIS LINK
If you are not yet familiar with the process for updating the Comprehensive Plan, CLICK HERE for an explanation.
By law the County must include a section in their Comprehensive Plan addressing transportation, which they refer to as ‘circulation’. The law states that the Comprehensive Plan must document how the County will “Make automobile, transit and other multimodal circulation more efficient, make infrastructure expansion more economical and provide for a rational pattern of land development.”
Do not take this survey unless you are a resident of Yavapai County. Participate in this anonymous Transportation Survey by CLICKING ON THIS LINK.