Sedona AZ (July 14, 2013) – Warren Woodward from the Sedona Smart Meter Awareness group is steaming over a letter to the editor published in another media in which his efforts are labeled “hysteria”. The seeming hysteria is actually passion for an issue that Warren has been championing for several years: anti smart meters. There are few people who are more versed in RF (radio frequency) and EMF (electromagnetic frequency) than Warren. Mainstream believers hold the position that there is nothing to be concerned about, while Warren has researched the issue and found there is plenty to be concerned about. See Warren’s letter to the editor in on Friday, July 12, 2013 (Open Letter to the Arizona Corporation Commission: APS = more deception, lies and misinformation).
My gratitude goes out to Warren for all his years of educating the public about “Smart meters”. We cannot thank you enough for keeping us all advised to the health hazards of these high frequency and dangerous meters. My family’s health is more important to me then APS profiting from their installation. Anyone that does not read the facts about these meters obviously has not done his/her homework. Thanks again Warren. Your years of research and knowledge regarding the dangers of the “Smart” meter is so vital to our well being more now then ever.
Last week, I was walking up Schnebley Hill Road and met two Australian tourists who were electrical engineers, taking a five week trip driving around America. I asked them what they know about Smart Meters in Australia. Their eyes widened and their shoulders went up. Here is our dialogue:
Terrie: “What do you know about Smart Meters in Australia?”
Australian Tourist: “We are adamantly against Smart Meters in Australia. We are all fighting them.”
Terrie: “Why?”
Australian Tourist #1: “Everyone who has had them put in, their electric bills have sky rocketed!”
Austrlian Tourist #2: “They are unsafe, unhealthy and invade our privacy.”
Australian Tourist #1: “The electric power company can cut off our power at will.”
There you have it.
My personal opinion is that the City of Sedona should opt out entirely of the APS Smart “Fire Starter” Meters for an even greater reason. Sedona is 19 square miles. Half of those miles consist of National Forest. It is undisputed that Smart Meters can and have started hundreds of fires.
Watch these videos on “Smart” meter fires:
APS is planning to install them in Sedona by the end of the year. We must all Opt Out.
I and others are asking our City to enforce our Nuisance Ordinance and possible trespass laws by prosecuting anyone coming onto our properties to change out our meters against our will.
This is our City Attorney’s email: Mike Goimarac
You can find the sample letter to ‘opt out’ on
More… These “smart” meters broadcast information back to the power company via cell phone type technology, making up to 190, 000 broadcasts per day. The almost constant microwave frequencies coming from them disrupt the circuitry in our bodies. Some people have already been made sick. Privacy violations can also occur since they can tell what device you are using and how long. Power surges that fry appliances have been known to happen also, as well as over-billing. Utilities never take responsibility for those. It’s always the ratepayers’ problem. Some lawsuits have begun in various states. APS Admits that over 5,000 smart meters have been removed at owners requests after being put in…
Check this out,
Great reporting Warren! Keep up the great work. We need a hundred more people like you to showcase the truth and expose the lies that the Corporate/Government fascists are perpetrating upon and subjecting the owners (we the people) of this country to.
Thanks for helping us